Chapter 16: Really, I Just Get This?

Start from the beginning

'I asked about your feeling towards him, not the vibe between you guys.'

'... I mean he is cute not going to deny it but it's too early for me to be thinking if we could be an item, I don't know him personally, besides, I'm not ready to get on the high horse.'

'What do you mean, after Zayn?'

'Well I mean, Zayn was like the heat of the moment, but it's not that, I broke up with my boyfriend from back home.'

'Really, why? He's a dick?'

'what, no he isn't a dick, I actually love him, but being away for this long, and not being able to communicate for six months, I had to let him go, it was for the best.'

'But you love him, how can you let him go?"

'Exactly because I love him, I would be selfish is I had him between my fingers and not let him do his thing. Besides if we were meant to be, we would end up together.'

'Aren't you a little too young to be in love?'

'No, are you too young to be in love with your mom?'

'EW what?'

'Look, love is love; it's an unconditional bond between two people. The difference between loving your mom and a lover is the intimacy. I care for him.'

'So, how long had the split been?'

'About two months, once I found out about the custody trail.'



'So, by when will you be ready to move on?'

'It not an easy answer Arlene, I love the guy, I just need to stop feeling for him in the intimate way. But I don't have an exact date.'

'Fair enough.'

'Can I ask you a question about Zayn?'


'well when I kissed him, I wanted to kiss him more..."

'Are you telling me or asking me?'

'Wait I'm asking, just wait, well then when I went to get my bag, he told me he wanted to kiss me again..."

'What the fuck! He did!'

'Yeah, well, is Zayn a committed man, like does he flirt around or he's serious?'

'What the actual fuck, you got Luke and Zayn. Well Zayn is a committed man; he stuck with Perrie and her bs for four fucken years.'

'oh, I jus..."



'I scream out your name and all I get is a fucken derpy response.'


'Asshole. You little prick stupid slu..."

'Sorry, he's drunk; Eleanor rejected him, saddest day of his pathetic life.'

'Aw really, how sad, is he okay?'

'Yeah he will be he's just heartbroken. He'll survive though.'

'Poor thing, I remember my crush from first grade rejected my valentine gram.'

'What the fuck, you remember that shit, no that shit still affects you?'

'Yeah, it's a scar, even though in high school we dated but rejection hurt.'

'Wow, I guess our group is a ban of losers.'

'Yeah I guess. Well I'm gonna get going, see you tomorrow.'

'Bye love.'

I hang up and turn on the TV. And watch friends. After a few good laughs, I decide to take a shower. Once I'm out, I comb my hair out and sit inside my empty house, wishing there was someone I could talk to. The loneliness was eating me inside so I decided to take a walk. I know I shouldn't considering its night and I'm alone but needed some fresh air besides I would only walk around the block once. I put my California jacket and walk outside, with my keys and phone in hand. I start walking down the street, looking at my surroundings. The street lamps lit mostly everything the moonlight couldn't reach. The streets were empty, with an occasional car passing by.

As I turn the corner, a car comes to my stop. I start to panic, remembering all the kidnapping movies with memories of my self defense class. As the window rolls down, I take a moment to recognize the white car. As I peek inside, Zayn is behind the wheel. "Emma! What are you doing?' popping his head out.

How Did We Get Here // Luke Hemmings & Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now