"Of course it did. And I have faith in every one of you! As a matter of fact, I know you all can take care of yourself. But what if they took you captive as motive? What if they double teamed you and something did happen to one of you?"

"We could never forgive ourselves!" Harry finished, taking the words right out of my mouth. Ginny and Mione scoffed, Luna and Neville rolled their eyes, and Ron laughed.

"Haha! Funny!" Deadpan. "Don't be thick. We're coming!"

Merlin! "No!"

"Gracie give up! We are coming! The question is, how? We can't fly brooms all the way to-" Neville was cut off by Luna.

"Not brooms. Threstrals silly!" She smiled, pointing to the tree line. I smiled, nodding. "Only people who have witnessed death can see them. Neville, you can ride with me if you like?" He nodded, following her. I looked at Harry in shock, he shrugged, and led me over.

"Who are you taking?" I asked, leading two threstrals. He frowned, crossing his arms.

"I thought we were riding together?"

"As much as I would love to, they can't serge threstral, Mione is terrified of heights, and Ron is a big baby as well. They need us. I'm thinking you take Ron, because I'm pretty sure, the three of us girls are small enough to fit on one threstral, me up front, Mione in middle, Gin? You good in the back?"

"Sure. As long as you promise not to let me fall. I can't tell if I'm slipping!" She smiled, walking towards me. Mione followed hesitantly. Luna already had herself and Neville seated, waiting patiently. "Lets go!" I nodded, taking my seat. I pulled Mione up, an Ginny hopped on like a pro, but kept herself close to Mione.

"Hold onto Mione and Mione hold onto me!" I called over my shoulder, watching Ron climb up awkwardly. Once everyone was seated, we took off flying there immediately. We ran through the halls, and for some reason, the whole building was empty. I ran the familiar hallways, climbing into the lift. No one said a word until we reached the department. "Did you get a good look of what row?" I asked, stopping at the entrance. Harry nodded, running forward. We all broke into a run, following him.

"It's to quiet!" Harry started, stopping at an isle. "Something's wrong. This is it! This is where he's supposed to be!" I nodded, looking around. Footsteps sounded and we all whirled around, confusion evident on all our faces. Hello Potter! So we meet again. Ah, and my dear cousin! Look Bellatrix! She kept the scar!" Lucious laughed, watching each of us. He and Lestrange were the only two to take their hoods down, but we all know who's here. Those two, Rookwood, Crabbe and Goyle senior, so on and so forth. I bet even Pettigrew is here.

"Yeah I did. Actually kind of like it. I suppose I have you all to thank for that!" I smirked, crossing my arms. Bellatrix's eyes landed on Neville.

"Neville Longbottom! Tell me, how are your parents?" She cackled, infuriating him. But you see, he's my pupil. And I've taught him well. Therefore he knows what he's doing.

"Better now that they're about to be avenged!" He yelled, lunging for her. He tackled her, and in the shock he caught her, tackling her to the ground. Lucious pointed his wand at Neville, but I casted Expelliarmus while Ron and Harry grabbed Neville. I shoved the girls behind me, then, I finally understood while we are here. Harry's prophecy.

"Harry! Come here! Now!" I whispered, never taking my eyes off of it. He walked over in confusion, so I pointed, quickly turning to Lucious. "Harry grab it now! Be very careful!" I eyed Lucious, shoving everyone back behind me. Especially Harry, though I could feel them pushing forward.

A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now