Chp 56: Awake

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This morning felt odd. I changed, brushed my teeth and was heading back to the homestead as always. The only thing off was that I was up earlier than usual. Most of the Gladers hadn't woken up yet, and the sunlight was barely beginning to appear.

I sighed and tried to shake that feeling off. But then I remembered that the past two days I've suffered from vivid nightmares. Both times I've woken up screaming but as soon as I open my eyes I forget the dream.

"So you ready?" Minho came up to me. His hair was a mess but he was already dressed. He woke up early as well because he knew about my nightmares. Though I never talk to him about them.

"For what?" I asked clueless. Hoping he won't ask me. I want to avoid talking about it for as long as I can.

"To run." He smiled. My eyes widened and I couldn't believe his words. How could I be happy about running a maze which deprived us from freedom? I must be insane already.

"What? Really?!" I said like an excited Labrador being asked 'who's a good boy?'

"Yeah." He laughed.

"What made Alby changed his mind?" I asked.

"Me." He responded. "I thought you would want to run again. You know, to take your mind off of things."

"Yes! Thank you!" I said and then I threw myself in his arms. Although seeing all the corridors of the maze leading no where sounded even more depressing. 

"I really need this." I faced him and gave him a short but passionate kiss. His eyes were fixed on mine and he licked his lips, he wanted more. But 'more' couldn't be given at this moment.

"Let's go." I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the map room to get ready.
"Remember that other time we were here?" Minho asked once we were inside.

"We've been here a bunch of times." I replied not knowing what he was referring to.

"You know. That one time, the morning before the girl came, remember?" He walked towards me until there was very little space between us. I suddenly remembered it. The full on make out session we had here.
Chills ran down my back.

"Ah yes. I remember." I felt myself blush at the memory.

"I said we would finish it up when I got back but we never got the chance." He grabbed my waist and pulled me even closer to him.

"Yeah." I stupidly said. My heart was racing at an alarming rate now.

"Now we have a chance." He connected his lips with mine and picked me up and sat me on the table like the other time. He pressed his body against mine more and more as the kissing intensified. My mind went blank, my heart went crazy pounding against my chest. My common sense was telling to stop this before it was too late, but my body was begging me to keep going. Unfortunately I listened to my raging hormones.

"Wait." I said, barely audible. We were both breathing embarrassingly heavy.

I unbuttoned his shirt without thinking about it. A wicked smiled spread across Minho's face and started kissing me again. His hand sneaked inside my shirt, making me shiver at his warm touch. My hands explored his bare body. His nicely toned chest and shoulders felt fantastic under my roaming hands.

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