Chp 47: Fast Forward

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Heey! I'm gonna fast forward on this fanfic because I think it's taking forever! I'm on chapter 47 and Thomas hasn't arrived yet...

Soooo yeahhhh, I'm probably just gonna write like 20 more chapters maybe more maybe less I dunno... Then I can start Minho's Runner book 2!!! Yaaaaaay!!!

Also!!!! I'm writing another story!! It's called 'No Warning' so if you would please check it out? If you're into high school drama thing....

That's it, proceed to this chapter. Bye!


*** Athy's POV ***

Today is the day before a new greenie arrives. I hated this. A new greenie reminded me that we were stuck here for who knows how much more time. It's starting to get boring. Running around in the maze was now boring. Even with Minho there with me.

I wasn't tired of him but I sometimes wished I'd have my own section to run around it while sorting things up in my head.

I was sitting on the ground in front of Minho eating lunch. We never talked during this time. He was upset that I wouldn't run with him the next day and I was upset because he was upset.

Minho almost got into another fight with Gally. I stopped him but then Gally said something that got me angry and I turned out to be the one punching him. It earned me another night in the slammer but I'm getting more and more used to it. And chuck came to keep me company, which is nice.

When chuck remembered his name he almost jumped from tree to tree of happiness. After that he became more talkative. He can be a bit annoying but I think everyone likes him, even though he turned out to be slopper. Sometimes he's embarrassed but who cares.

Minho finished eating when I wasn't even half way. He eats so fast and I eat like a baby bird. He teases me about it everyday.

"Why do you eat so slow?" He asked as he put everything away into his lunch pack.

"Because unlike you, I like to chew my food and actually taste it before swallowing it." I said and took another bite.

"How judgmental. If you were a dude I would have punched you in the face a long time ago."

"So my gender is the only thing protecting me from your almighty fists?" I raised an eyebrow. He knows that I don't like it when people say that they can't do something to me because I'm a girl. When the truth is that they won't do anything because I can take a punch and can give a punch too.

"That and you're pretty. I don't want to ruin that gorgeous face."

"Whatever. What if a guy had my face and my personality?" I kept eating. I'm surprised he's joking around with me today. I shouldn't be upset anymore.

"Gross." He made a disgusted face and shuddered. I laughed a bit.

"Yeah imagine giving you back massages with my big manly hands." I teased him.

"Gross. Stop it."

"Okay." I stopped laughing.

After I finished my lunch we continued on our running. The day went by fairly slow.

Finally, at the Glade Newt, Alby, Minho and I were sitting around a table discussing things. We've already establish that there's no way out.

"We can't say anything to anyone. They'll lose hope. That's the least we need." Alby was talking. He was sitting across from me and Minho beside me.

"Athy, you've been awfully quiet, something on your mind?" Newt asked. I shook my head, I didn't want to talk because I felt like I would throw up if I did.

"By the way, Gally had been looking for trouble. I will have to ask you to not do anything tonight. We have a greenie coming tomorrow, I need you out of the slammer." Alby pointed to me. The mention of Gally's name made me gag. This would explain the weird look he gave me when I came in the Glade. There's days where he's okay and other where I guess he wakes up and just wants to make my life more miserable than it already is.

"What if he does something her? Or me? Am I suppose to just let it slip? No." Minho started talking. I thanked him for it because I felt that I was gonna throw up if I open my mouth.

"Fine, you're a keeper so you can beat him up but not Athy. She has to be out tomorrow." Alby pointed to Minho. It was funny, Alby actually gave permission for Minho to beat up Gally. I don't think that's acceptable, him being the leader and being responsible for keeping order.

"Gally might be a buggin' idiot and big old klunk bag, but he's still a Glader, and the keeper of the builders. There should be some respect for him." Newt defended him. I glared at him. Though I know that deep deep within me I agree.

"Whatever. I hate him with a burning passion." Minho said.

"Alright we should get out of here, I have a feeling Athy is gonna puke and I don't want to witness that." I looked up and I noticed I had my hand over my mouth. I was into the conversation I hadn't realized I was gonna be sick.

Alby got out of the map room but Newt and Minho stayed.

"Are you okay?" Newt asked me. I nodded but him and Minho were still staring at me with concerned looks.

"I'm fine." I managed to say. I don't understand why I feel sick. I'll ignore it for now. I stood up from my chair and made my way outside. I walked halfway to the homestead when I realized Minho wasn't behind me. I expected him to follow me but this time he didn't.

I ignored that too. I walked with my head down when I looked up Gally stood in front of me, of course.

"You had a little gathering did ya?" He crossed his arms. How I hated when he does that, trying to be intimidating, that doesn't work with me.

"Non of your business." I answered and attempted to go around him to avoid a problem. He, of course, refused to let me pass through.

"Uh it is my business because I also live in the Glade." He said. I wanted to slap him.

"This was Runner business, no shuck-faced shanks allowed." I said in the sassiest voice I could pull out, but Minho is better at this.

"Hey if you know what's good for you, you won't get me upset, I'm already angry enough." He 'threaten me. Hah! As if!

"Oh really? Well if you know what's better for you, you will move out of the way before I beat your face till it looks like a bruised strawberry." I said raising my voice to sound more serious.

"Yeah right, I would love to see you try. You wouldn't because you can't go to the slammer today..."

"Oh is that what you think? That I won't punch you because I can't go to the slammer?"

"Yeah and.." He started talking again but my fist on his face made him stop at mid sentence. I kicked him and he fell to the ground, I got on top of him and starting punching everywhere. He tried to cover himself with his forearms. Soon there was strong arms pulling me back by the waist. I kept kicking, and swinging my fists around but didn't hit anything.

Before I had a good look at Gally, I went on all fours and puked on the ground. I heard a few people groan in disgust and moving away. I wanted to stop vomiting but I couldn't. My eyes were squeezed shut. It felt like forever when I finally finished. A hand was in my shoulder. It was Minho's.

"Are you okay?" He asked as I sat back and took deep breaths. I only nodded.

"Really Athy?" Alby said. I guess I am spending yet another night at the slammer.

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