Chp 33: Ben For Runner

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Okay, I'm still hurt about Ki Hong Lee getting married but I guess life has to go on...😁😑😞

A week and a half passed by. The same routine everyday: wake up, get ignored by Minho, go into the maze, find nothing, and get ignored by Minho again.

I was getting tired of being ignored. He wouldn't even look at me. If only he would give me a minute, just one minute to say that I hate Gally. Than I'll confess my feelings for him and then we'll kiss and it'll be perfect.

Of course, I'm lying to myself. Nothing will ever be perfect. Even if Minho listens to me we'll still be stuck in here. We have to live with the fear that one of us might die tomorrow. And then what? We are still here. We can't go anywhere.

If only those god damn creators would just let us go and live our normal lives. We are all mostly 16. We're supposed to go to school have girlfriends/boyfriends, have our parents give us life lessons. Not fighting for our lives in a place that makes everything outside seem like if its only a dream.

I hate it. I hate this place. I hate the Grievers. I hate the creators. I hate my life. I hate everything.

I checked my watch. It was time to get up.

I got ready and went down the stairs, everyone seemed so happy compared to me.

"Why are you so cheerful?" Ben came from behind me.

"What?" I said.

"I'm being sarcastic."

"Why the sarcasm. I'm super cheerful." I said with a straight face.

"Waw. Well I've sucked at everything. The only thing I've done right was catch that runaway chicken." He frowned.

"Oh!" I snapped my fingers as I remembered about the idea of Ben being a runner.

"How would you like to be a runner?" I asked. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"Me? A runner?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah. I saw you catch that chicken. Maybe with a little bit of more training you'll be a fair runner." I explained but he didn't seem convince. He looked more scared than anything.

"But isn't the Maze really dangerous?"

"Well yeah but you'll get used to it. And once you learn the routine it'll be easy." I assure him.
I know the maze is not somewhere he would want to be but me telling Minho about Ben will give me an excuse to talk to him. Maybe I could sneak in the words that I don't like Gally.

"Okay. And what do I have to do?" He asked.

"I'll tell Minho about it." I said and we both went to have breakfast.

Alby came and sat next to me.

"Have you gotten any information from Gally?" He whispered. This got me mad.

"No! Ugh why do I have to do this?!" I whined.

"Because I'm telling you to. It's for the good if everyone." I don't get how me getting information from Gally is gonna help anyone.

"Okay fine but..." Alby cut me off.

"Good." He got up and left the homestead. I frowned to myself.

I went to the map room and got ready. I saw Minho doing the same and I approached him. He saw me and he sighed and rolled his eyes. That tabbed me right in the chest.

"Hey." I forced my voice to come out.

"What?" He said coldy.

"I uh need to talk to you about something." I started.

"Okay." He crossed his arms and shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

"I though that maybe the Greenie can become a runner. I saw him catch that chicken the other day and I think he has potential." I said quickly.

"What? So now every new shank that comes here is gonna be a runner?" He said. The tone he used made me feel stupid. I used to be in control of how he treated me but now I don't even know how to talk to him.

"No, I was just saying. Because he didn't do good at anything else and he can't just do nothing." I managed to say. My words would get stuck on my throat and it hurt to breathe.

"Fine I'll talk to him and see what's going on." He nodded. He noticed that I had a hard time talking and I guess he felt a bit of guilt. Maybe now is my chance to set it all clear.

"I also wanted to say that Gally..." I started.

"Look, I don't care. You don't have to explain anything to me. I saw everything that night." He growled and marched out of the room.

"But if only you would stop being so stubborn and listen to..." I followed him.

"No! Stop it! I don't. Want. To hear you!" He snapped. I shrunk at the instant. I felt my face get hot and my eyes started to sting, I was gonna cry. I pressed my lips together to hold back the tears but I couldn't. I just looked at him and walked away without saying anything.

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