Chp 28: New Greenie

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I came out from the map room and went to find the Greenie. It felt weird to call someone like that, 'greenie.' The only good thing now is that I'm no longer the newbie. Not that it was a big problem, but still.

"Newt!" I called from a distance. He half ran half limped towards me. Then I wondered why he limped. I've noticed it before but I never asked.

"Hey, Alby is waiting for you." He said.

"I've been meaning to ask you, why do you have a limp?" When I said it out loud it sounded mean. He looked at me weird.

"Non of your bloody business." He crossed his arms.

"Okay, it was just a question. Geez."

"Well don't be asking questions and do what you have to do."

"Why are you being such a shuck-face." I said joking around to lighten the mood.

"Just go to Alby." He turned and continued his work.

"Alrighty." I guess Newt wasn't in the mood.

I walked around, Newt didn't tell me where to find Alby. So I'm suppose to look for him all around the god damn Glade...

I spent like 20 minutes looking when I finally found him. Alby was standing in front of the new guy. He was sitting in a ball.

"Hey, I heard you were looking for me." I said. I wasn't in a great mood anymore.

"Yeah, I told Minho to not let you into the Maze today. This shank over here won't move unless he talks to you first." He pointed down at the poor guy.

"Why me?" I stared at the Greenie.

"Don't know. I guess girls inspire the most trust. So from now in you'll be in charge of giving the Greenies the Tour."
This was the worst news ever.

"But I can't... I-I I won't, no!" I protested.

"It wasn't a question." He walked away and left me the guy.

"Ugh!!" I let out and frustrated groan. The guy looked up at me.

"You okay?" I sighed and kneeled down in front of him.

"No." He almost cried.

"Look, it's gonna be okay."

"But where am I. I don't remember anything. I can't even remember my name. What's going on?" He started crying and buried his face in his arms.

"Wait. No, don't cry. Let me just explain this whole mess okay. But stop crying." I touched his shoulder. He looked up at me with red puffy eyes.

"Okay." He mumbled.

"Get up." I ordered him, not in a mean way.

He got up and followed me.

"What Alby would say if he was doing his job instead of leaving it to me would be that there are three main rules here."

"Okay but what is this place?" He asked.

"It's the Glade. Rule number one, do your part. You have to find some job to do while we are here. You can be a builder, med-jack, slicer, track-hoes, if nothing sticks you'll be a slopper. No one wants to be a slopper."

"Okay." He answered more confused than anything.

I just explained everything to him. That he is gonna remember his name is a few days or if he is like me, tonight. I also explained The maze, The Glade, Grievers. When I mentioned the stupid beasts his face went white. It was hilarious. He relaxed when I told him about the doors and that they only came out at night.

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