Chp 23: he didn't!

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We finished the rest of the section and my wrist was just getting worst. Now it was an ugly shade of brown, green and purple. It hurt when ever I did the slightest move with it.

"Oh we need to go back now." Minho pulled my bruised hand. The pain traveled through my whole arm. I let out a high-Pitched scream.

"Woah! Sorry! Sorry!" He freaked out.

"God dammit! That hurt more than I thought." I laughed. He inspected the bruise again. He traced his thumb along his purple printed fingers on my wrist. I flinched.

"Damn. I think griped you too hard." He laughed too.

"Ya think?" I grinned.

"We still have to go. Can you run? Cus i can carry you if you want. I'm strong." He flexed his biceps again.

"Yeaaah you've mentioned that. And I run with my feet and legs not with my wrist." As soon as I said that he looked embarrassed. His face turned pink.

"C'mon!" I said and we started running back to the Glade.


If we were to spend one more minute in the maze we would've been locked out for the night.

"Guys, what happened? Why did you guys take so long?" Newt asked as we entered the homestead.

"We uh.... There was this.... Athy..... Nothing happened." Minho answered. He looked at me and he understood my 'don't say anything' look. I didn't want him to say anything about the little accident. If Alby finds out he won't let me into the Maze.

"Then why were you guys so late?" Newt grinned suspiciously and folded his arms. Like he knew something.

"Uhh we just took a longer lunch." I lied.

"A longer lunch huh? What exactly did you guys do in your 'longer lunch'?"

"We ate." Minho said, his eyes squinted as he tried to figure out what Newt was getting on to.

"Ate? You just ate?" He said in a low voice.

"Yes! We ate! That's what you do when you're having lunch!" I snapped. This was getting on my nerves.

"If you say so." He said. As walked past me he accidentally hit my wrist with his hand. I let out a small high-pitched groan.

"I didn't hit you hard." Newt took my arm and held it to the light.

"What happened?" He looked at Minho worried.

"Uhhh I don't know." Minho looked down.

"You did this to her?!" Newt yelled at Minho.

"He didn't!" I intercepted.

"What's going on?" Alby came in, Gally behind him.

"Nothing." I said quickly and I put my arm behind me.

"Look." Newt tried to grab my arm again. I tried to keep it behind me but I couldn't, Newt's yanking hurt me. Alby looked at my hand shaped bruise.

"Ooh what happened?" He asked calmly. A bruise isn't something to be worried about but the fact that was shaped like a big hand was a little unusual. And the way I earned it was very scary.

"Did you do that?!" Gally said to Minho.
His reaction surprised me. Why would he care? If anything, he should be thrilled that I got somewhat hurt.

"Yes! I gripped her wrist too hard!" Minho admitted.

"You shank!" Gally yelled and grabbed Minho by his shirt. Was he defending me?! What is going on?!

"No! Wait! He gripped me too hard cus he was saving me!" I yelled.

"Save you from what?" Gally said.

"Um I fell in the Cliff..." I admitted, they all looked at me with wide eyes. Gally let go of Minho.

"How?" Gally asked.

"I was just looking around and I got too close to the edge. And I just slipped, Minho grabbed my wrist in time. He saved me." I explained.

"So Minho didn't do this on purpose?" Gally asked.

"No! I didn't do it on purpose!" Minho defended himself.

"And why are you being... not mean to me?" I asked Gally.

"Fine, I hope the next time that happens, Minho is not there to save you. That better?" He walked off.

"Yeah." I said even though he didn't hear me.

"Well is not a bad injury, just wait until it fades." Alby said simply and walked away. That went better than I thought. I thought he might freak out. And I thought Gally would be jumping up an down in happiness. What happened to this place while we were gone?

"Okay." I said. Now there was only Minho, Newt and me.

"Why were you being all weird?" I asked Newt.

"I wasn't acting weird."

"Yes you were shuck-face!" Minho said.

"I just though you guys got cut up doing something else."

"Like what?" I asked. Minho and I were now side to side facing Newt.

"I don't know. I gotta go..." He walked away too. I stared at him while he walked/limped away. I wondered what happened to him.

Minho and I looked at each other.

"He thinks we were kissing in the Maze." Minho blurted out with a straight face.

"Yeah." I said. I knew what Newt meant. I'm not stupid.

"But we weren't." Minho continued.

"Yeah." I said again.

Awkward silent took over. I just stared at Minho and he stared back.

"Bye." I said.
"Bye." Minho said right after.

We didn't get to draw the maps. Minho and I started walking at the same time towards the Map Room.

"Why are you following me?" I stopped. As did Minho.

"Why are you following me?" He repeated.

We started walking at the same time again.

"Stop!" We said unison.

I couldn't contain my laugh. I started laughing. So did he.

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