Author's note

1.1K 15 4

Hello..*awkward laugh*
I realize how long it has been taken me to update

I started this fanfic in my sophomore year... I...... graduated already....

I am trash, I am the definition of garbage.

But I'm back and I will finish it finally.

I'm not particularly proud of the previous chapters. I was a sophomore when I wrote them but I'm gonna go back and edit(die of cringe) and all that stuff. I will make it better for the new readers.

with that said, I'm very sorry that it took me more than a year to update. I know I am terrible and instead of making excuses I'll just let you continue.


Cue the applause
(Clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap)
Cue The confetti
(Peww peww)
Finally, cue the fireworks
(Zoom pow pow pow psssht hsksdjiajs)
Swipe up(or left)

Also I realized this fanfic has almost 300k reads holy shit

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