Chp 22: The Boss

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"I'm gonna pull you up!" Minho yelled. How was he gonna pull me up? He was falling as well.

"Don't tell me! Just do it!" I screamed back. I was scared. If I didn't die by falling in the Cliff, I would die of a heart attack.

Minho first secured himself into a position to pull me. He screamed in effort.

He pulled me a few inches up and I could now reach the edge with my left hand and helped him pull myself to safety.

Minho was on his knees pulling me. As soon as I was safe he pulled me in his arms. My heart was racing, and so was his. I could feel it.

"I'm sorry." I said, though it sounded muffled because my face was smushed against his chest from how hard he was hugging me.

"Minho..." I insisted, I couldn't breath.

"Minho!" I pushed him away. He literally squeezed all air out of me.

"Sorry, I uh, just got really scared." We both got up.

"Yeah... Me too." I inspected my wrist which had Minho's hand marked around it. It was turning a dark shade of purple and green.

"You okay?" He took my wrist.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said, but when he saw his palm printed in purple and green on my wrist his eyes widened.

"Oh shuck, I'm sorry." He really did look sorry. It made me feel bad.

"No, it's fine, really." I hid my wrist with my other hand.

"No, I'm sorry. I really am."

"Dude, it's fine. You saved my life. Thank you." I hugged him one more time.

"We should go back." He stated.

"What? No, we haven't finished." I protested.

"After this, you need to calm down and rest a little."

"No, I'm fine, I'm more than fine. That was kind of fun and exciting. We need to keep going." I said with a straight face. I was still a by shaky.
Of course it wasn't exciting nor fun, I was scared to death.

"I think your ways of having fun are pretty weird.... And suicidal." He laughed.

"You're not allowed to have fun." He continued.

"You can't tell me what to do." I went along with him. He was just trying to lighten the mood as we walked.

"Yeah I can. I'm keeper of the runners, shuck-face."

"So? You're not the boss of me."

"Well now I am. I can order you around when ever I want to, and you have to obey."

"Who says that?"

"I just did...."

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