Chp 52: Thomas

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Okay I fixed it while waiting for the bus. That wasn't that hard... The one I had to fix the most was the last one. So re ready chapter 51 and then this chapter and you're good. I guess I made a bigger deal about it then it actually was. Sorry...

Continue on... New chapter coming someday.... :|



I couldn't close my eyes more than to blink. I was afraid. That feeling was still there twisting my insides. The feeling of Incompetence. I'm afraid I might go back to being asleep but not really.

So I didn't sleep, Minho stayed with me. He promised he would stay awake with me but five minutes in he was snoring.

The first traces of dawn were beginning to appear through the window and I shook Minho awake.

"Minho." I shook his shoulder and he awoke startled.

"What? Are you okay? What happened?" He said at once.

"Nothing, calm down. It's dawn already." I said and swinged my legs off of the bed. Thanking the Gods that I could stand up. I spent two days without being able to move a muscle, now I celebrate that I can blink.

"You don't have to get out of bed today. You can rest." Minho kept me from standing up completely.

"Are you kidding? I'm not spending one more second in this bed." I said and continued to put my shoes on.

"You should get ready too." I suggested. I wanted everything to go back to normal. Well as normal as these walls let us.

"What if I stay with you all day instead?" He took my hands now that we were both standing.

"What if you don't." I said and walked out without waiting for him. I went down to the homestead to eat something. I was starving.

I raided the kitchen searching for food I didn't care if frypan got angry. I just couldn't wait.

When my stomach was finally full I felt the life coming back to me. But then I realized I hadn't even washed my face nor teeth, how gross.

After about half an hour I catched up to Minho in the Map Room.

"Hey." I said cheerfully. My belly was full, I could move, everything was good.

"Hey. You look better." Minho smiled at me which made me feel even more alive.

"I feel better." I hugged him with full force.

"I'm glad you're okay now." He hugged me back.
I pulled away and he was ready to connect his lips with mine. I accepted gladly. My hands wrapped around his neck and his on my waist. His lips moved in perfect sync with mine and everything was perfect. Butterflies and sparks flying all over the damn place.

I wasn't ready to let go but I was running out of air so I had to. He looked deeply into my eyes and smiled. I gave him one last peck and took a deep breath.

"That was great." He said when he went back to doing whatever he was doing when I walked in.

"Yup." I joined him even though I had no clue what he was doing. He had some maps on his hands, comparing them.

"By the way there's a greenie you need to take care of."

"Right! I forgot about that." I took one step toward the door but Minho pulled me back.

"Don't go yet." He said as he put the maps away.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Because we're not done yet." He started kissing me again and lifted me up and placed me sitting down on a table near by. My legs wrapped around his waist and my hands around his neck. This turned into a full out kissing session. His hands gripping my hips, not too harsh but not too soft either. I felt like I was in the clouds.

After a few minutes we both got comfortable with what we were doing and I scooted closer to him. There was absolutely no space between us. His hands traveled up and down my thighs. Later on he trailed off to my jawline and then down my neck. I had to stop him, I was this close to ripping his clothes off and God knows what else.

"Are we done now?" I breathed heavily.

"Nope, we'll finish this when I come back." He helped me down from the table and we both made our way to the homestead. Minho sat and ate and got everything ready I just accompanied him.

After he left I went back to the homestead to look for our new guy. My hope of it being a girl were gone.

I found him sitting next to chuck eating. Well chuck was eating, he was just playing with his food. He looked familiar like I've seen him before. I probably have but I don't remember.

I came behind him and tapped his shoulder. He looked up and his eye widened.

"'Ello." I smiled at him trying to figure him out. He didn't look scared, more confused than scared. And then I knew he was different, I felt it.

"I'm Athy. What's your name?" I asked politely.

"Thomas." He responded. His voice totally matched his face.

"You're a girl." He stated. Chuck laughed.

"Ah yes, I am. Never seen one before?" I joked, he doesn't remember.

"I actually don't remember." He said defensively.

"Of course you don't. I didn't get a chance to meet you fresh outta the box but I'm here now. So let begin if you're done playing your food." I signaled him to follow me. My shift as tour guide began now.

"Are-are you the only girl?" He asked as he walked next to me.

"So far, yes. Now, the tour begins now."

"Finally." He sighed. Damn, Alby was not treating him good yesterday. Poor kid.

"Newt showed you the Griever I hope? 'Cause I ain't getting close to that window ever again."

"He did. What are those things?"

"No clue and I don't want to find out." We walked towards the box.

"Now, unlike Alby, I do have all day to answer your questions. But I don't have an answer to all of them so deal with it." I warned him.

I gave him the whole tour of his new home. I was just finishing explaining the maze to him when the greenie alarmed sounded again through out the glade. Again?

"What's going on?" Thomas asked.

"That's weird." I said looking around the glade. Everyone looked just as confused as I was.

"What's up with that?" A Glader asked me.
I shrugged my shoulder signaling 'i don't know'

"What's going on?!" Thomas yelled.

"It's the box!" I yelled back at him and started running to the middle of the glade.

"What about it?" Thomas asked running behind me.

I don't answer I didn't have an explanation for this. A greenie shouldn't be coming up right now. Luckily he found Newt and asked him questions. I looked for Alby. What the hell is going on?!

After the alarm stopped blaring we all gathered around the box to wait for the arrival.

The box opened and everything went silent. Newt leaned it as did I to catch a glimpse of the new guy.

"Holy...." Newt breathed.

"No way." Alby murmured.

Alby started chanting to himself. what did they see?!?

"Whats going on?" I called out.

Newt faced the crowd and looked directly at me.

"It's a girl." He said. The Gladers whispered among themselves the same way they did when I arrived.

"I think she's dead." Newt finished. I stayed frozen in my place. A dead girl?!? Are you kidding me?!

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