Chp 14: From Gally to Slammer

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After a long day of washing dishes with Frypan I went back to the tree near the Homestead. My thoughts drifted from wondering about my past and family to Minho.

There was something about him that I really really liked. Maybe it was his way he treated me, one moment he was sort of nice and then another he was a jerk. Or maybe it was his insanely good looking self. Whatever the case may be, Minho was the person that I trusted the most and that I will get along with as long as I'm here. Hopefully it won't be long.

This thought about how long I would be in the Glade made me wonder how much time have they been here.

It was getting dark already so I assumed Minho was back.

I made my way inside the homestead where I found a sweaty, dirty Minho drinking water in a metal cup. Other Gladers, whose names I don't know yet, where sitting around having conversations.

"Hey." I said as I walked towards Minho. He led out an exaggerated sigh.

"I already told you no." He said firmly.

"Oh C'mon. Give me some credit. I wasn't gonna come with the same complain. Again." I threw my hands in the air in frustration.

"Sure you weren't." He left the Homestead. And of course, I followed him

"Please, Minho. Just take me in there once and if I can't handle it or if I get us killed I promise I won't ask again." I begged. He stared at me in disbelieve.

"That's not funny, shank."

"I wasn't trying to be funny." I frowned.

"Whatever, my answer is no. And that's my last word." He started walking towards the Map Room. I started to follow but he suddenly turned and stretched a hand out in front of me to make me stop.

"No." He said. "Stay." He continued walking.

I waited for a moment and then sprinted to catch up with him.

"But maybe if..." I got cut off by his explosion of frustration.

"God! You're annoying! You're lucky you're pretty otherwise I would've pushed you off the Cliff a long time ago. Do. not. follow. me." He walked off.

"I don't even know what the Cliff is! If I were a runner I would know and would've been more scared!" I yelled to make sure he could hear me from the distance between us.

I decided not to bother him anymore. I got on his nerves enough for today.
I started walking back to the Homestead then I ran into none other than Sir Gally.

"So they finally said 'no' to the Glade's Princess." He said in that tone that really got pissed me off.

"Don't you have something better to do?" I crossed my arms on my chest.

"Mm not that I can think of." He pretended to have thought about it.

"Well you better go find something to keep you petite mind occupied."

"Oh yes, you're right. Meanwhile why don't you go check if that tree of yours grew a new leaf, Instead if trying to get yourself killed by the Maze." He tried to tease me.

"I will." I walked off. I heard Gally still talking behind me to his little buddies.

"See that, that shank is going to hide in that tree from now on. If she does get to be a Runner, she'll klunk her pants the first second she is in there. Shucking coward." At that last phrase I exploded. I will not stand any one calling me a coward. I turned around and marched towards Gally and in a split of a second my fist made contact with his nose. His buddies gasped at my little gift to Gally.

His head jerked to the side and his hands flew to his face. Then he looked at me in surprise.

"You broke my nose!" He looked at his hands and they were covered with blood.

"You very well deserved it!" At that Alby came into the scene and started yelling at me.

"Athy! I thought you had learned your lesson!"

"He called me a coward! I wasn't gonna do nothing!" I defended myself. He sighed and he gave orders to take me to the slammer. Again.

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