Chp 38: Missing Screws

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I wasn't sure to what to do here. I didn't want to sit all by myself because I will start thinking of the situation and then I'll get depressed. I don't have anything else to do other then run in the maze. So I decided to walk around.

Soon the walking turned into running around the Glade. I guess I'm used to running. I also didn't want to lose condition.

A game came to my head. I pretend that there's a Griever chasing me. All I have to do is make it from one wall of the Glade to the opposite. Going around the obstacles and people that stand in my way.

My hand was placed on the wall getting ready to take off to the other wall.

"1.... 2.... 3!" I ran towards the south wall. Passing the gardens then the box and finally the map room.

"I win!" I yelled to my self and throwing my arms up in victory. That earned me a few weird looks from some of the Gladers but I kept going. A ran back and forth a bunch of times. This took me almost the whole day. Which was good, now I won't have that much free time to let my mind think about bad stuff.

I started running back to the south wall when some one called my name.

"Athy!" It was Newt. I turned to see him and I crashed with something hard.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed before I saw what it was.

"Sorry." It was a person.

"No I'm sorry. I didn't see where I was running." I looked at the person, it was Gally.

"No it's fine." He rubbed his arm that had hit the ground.

"Oh." I felt my knee stinging. I looked down and saw that it was scrapped and blood was coming out of it.

"You're bleeding." He said and inspected the cut.

"Yup. Why do I always get hurt?" Gally laughed.

"I'll take you to a med-jack." He offered.

"Nah it's fine. I'm okay." I stood up and walked away before Gally could say anything.

Newt was standing there with his hand cupped over his mouth to keep in his laughter.

"What are you laughing at?" I scowled at him.

"That you're bloody missing some screws somewhere in there." He tapped my head. So he's insinuating that I'm crazy? Well that's not nice.

"What if I am?" I shrugged.

"Then Minho has a thing for crazy chicks." He crossed his arms. His comment made me blush slightly.

"Really? You think he has a thing for me?" I smiled goofily.

"It's obvious. You guys were about to smooch before I came in." He laughed again.

"Stop bringing that up!" I whined. Honestly, if he brings that up again will punch him.

"Right. Sorry. What did Gally tell you?" He said curiously.

"You made me crash with him!" I slapped his arm.

"Hey that wasn't my plan. That was just a happy incident."

"You're unbelievable." I said. This dude is the jerk of jerks. But he's still a good friend when I need one.

"Thank you." He responded.

"Whatever, I'm leaving. I can't take your nonsense right now."

"Yeah. I have to work. See ya." He made his way back to the gardens.

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