Chp 5: Day One

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I woke up to Alby banging on the door and then coming in without permission.

"Good morning Greenie!" He startled me.

"Good morning...Why are you here?" I asked a little creeped out.

"Cus I can. And I'm getting you ready to officially be a Glader."

"I thought I was a Glader already." I sat up and stretched.

"Yes but we are having your gathering before the runners leave. So get up and brush your teeth or whatever girls do." He got up and left.

I washed my face and my teeth. Brushed my hair with my fingers, then I realized I had long dark brown hair. Fixed my clothes in which 'the Creators' had send me in, a simple grey long sleeve shirt and shorts that went just above my knee. Then I started crying. I realized that being in this place called 'the Glade' was permanent now. I couldn't do anything about it. But I at least had made a friend, Alby. I know I've only been here for a little bit but I was already sick of it.

I walked out of the Homestead. Saw a few Gladers starting their routine. I looked for Alby who found me first.

"Greenbean. We're waiting for you." He lead me to this circular room. People sat all around it there was one empty seat in the middle.

"I'm guessing this is where I'll sit?" Alby nodded and I took a seat.

I sat there until I received instructions. I looked around at the crowd of Gladers. Then I noticed Minho staring at me. I stared back and raised my eyebrow as if challenging him. Without even realizing it had turned into a staring contest. I lost when Alby called me. Minho smiled in triumph.

"Athy. You can only speak when you are spoken to okay?"


"So we are here to decide what to do with little miss Athy the face puncher Greenie." I glared at Alby. I saw Minho smiling. But I couldn't say anything.

"You all know the resent events with Athy. What are your thoughts frypan?" The dark skinned guy with a beard stood up and started talking.

"Well I'm no expert in girls but I had an idea and this girl isn't what I assumed she would be. But I'd say she stays. She is tough and that's something we need around here." He sat back down.

What! They're planning on making me leave?! Well I don't blame them. If someone had punched me in the face I would want them to leave forever. Nah if someone had punched me they wouldn't have legs to leave.

"Okay, Gally?" The guy that dragged me to the slammer stood up. Or as I now call him 'little bitch'

"I don't like her. What she did when she first arrived is unforgivable, she broke one of the most important rules, she hurt at least five Gladers. And isn't it odd that she is the only girl that has been sent up here? What if she is a spy that works for the creators. I'd say she gets banished." I gasped and so did most of the other keepers.

Several other people stood up and talked. Some where not frighten by me and other two sided with Gally.

"Okay finally, Minho, what do you have to say." I turned my attention to Minho who stood up glaring at Gally.

"I don't feel like talking right now so I'll make this quick. Now I don't know how girls work but when I first saw Athy she looked like a good for nothing shank, but then I heard what she did to those five Gladers and when I talked to her, she proved me wrong. She's got good potential. Id say we keep her. In fact she might be good enough to be a runner." People gasped all around the room. People started protesting against Minho's proposal.

"Oh c'mon! Please! I bet she'll be dead the first hour she spends in the maze." Gally shouted.

"Alright! Alright! Shut your holes!" Newt called out to bring back order.

"It's my turn to talk." People quieted and Newt started talking again.

"I agree that Athy DID break some rules and some punishment must be served, but I don't think we should go to extremes and banish her. So I'll say that she spends a day in the slammer and another helping in the kitchens. Then she can start her training to be a runner." People started shouting and arguing again. But I felt great. A day helping in the kitchen didn't sound that bad plus I would be a runner. Which what I wanted since.... 12 hours ago.

"So it's settled." Alby spoke.

"The girl stays, a day in the slammer and another helping Frypan in the kitchen."

"Good that." Frypan said.

"Okay. Now we can go back to our own jobs."

I was so relieved. I stood up and walked out of the room. Minho passed by next to me.

"You're welcome." He said not even waiting for me to answer than he was off into the Maze.

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