Chp 42: Dumb Shank #2

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The whole night I couldn't sleep. Minho came looking for me but I couldn't look at him right then. I don't know what to do.

I have mixed feeling now. I really really like Minho but then kissing Gally made me encounter lost feelings. Maybe it's true that we used to be something before this. The creators wiped my memory but not my heart. But what Gally made me feel didn't compare to my feelings towards Minho. They both felt good but in a different way. I'm so confused.

My eyes didn't close all night. It felt like years before I started to see a little glimmer of light out side. I got ready without hurrying myself. Then there was a knock on my door.

"Uhh come in." I said uncertainly and hoping that it was Newt. Though he was disappointed in me. He's the only one I can really talk to right now.

"Are you okay?" It was Minho. My heart dropped and I felt a lump in my throat.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I forced my voice to come out.

"I didn't see you at all last night." He came in and stood in front of me.

"I was tired, that's all." I looked down, I couldn't dare to look into his eyes.

"Hmm your acting weird." I furrowed his eyebrows.

"Weird?" I gulped.

"Yeah. Did something happened yesterday?" He asked concerned. I shook my head.

"Did Gally do something to you?" There was a hint of anger in his voice now.

"No, no, not at all." I kept my hands in front of me and my eyes looking at the floor.

"Hey." He whispered and lifted my head by the chin.

"What's wrong?" He asked gently and concerned. I gathered courage to look up but when I saw his big concerned eyes, it slipped away in a second.

"Nothing's wrong." I moved away from him and went down the stairs.

"Wait." Minho said from behind me. I felt his hand wrap around my arm and he held me back.

"Please, Athy, just tell me. Is it about what your doing with Gally?" I stopped breathing and my chest ached.

"Did Newt tell you something?" I asked panicking.

"Uh no." He said confused.

"Did Gally?" I asked again.

"No, why?" He looked suspicious. Like there was a bunch of questions going through his head.

"No, for nothing." I answered quickly. I was about to continue to go down the stair but he kept a hold of me.

"Wait. If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine but please don't bottle up all your feeling because then that'll cause problems." He said and I nodded once. He walked behind me towards the map room where we got everything ready in silent.

"Oh. I almost forgot. I'ma start training Ben tomorrow. For four days. After that I'll assign him your section and you'll have to go with me." He broke the silence.

"Ummm alright." I mumbled.

"Why? You don't like the idea?" He walked towards me. I shifted and crossed my arms.

"No no it's fine." I kept my stare anywhere but his eyes.

"Well we have to go." I quickly changed the conversation.

"But you haven't had breakfast yet." He said but I had already walked out.

I stood in front of the door and I waited for it to open.

"Athy!" I heard Newt calling me from behind. I turned and he was already limping towards me.

"What?" I asked.

"Did you tell Minho?" He asked.

"I couldn't." I sighed.

"But please don't say anything to him." I begged.

"I wasn't gonna say anything but I can't say the same for Gally. What if he goes around bragging it to him?" He whispered because he saw Minho near by. And he was now coming our way.

"Oh you're right! What am I gonna do?" I whispered back. Minho was still a bit far away.

"Telling him first. He has to find out by you not him. Do it now."

"No, I can't." We whispered but now Minho was right front us.

"What you guys talking about?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said before Newt.

"Newt I wanted you to tell Alby about Ben." He looked at Newt.

"Sure." I nodded and then looked at me. He moved his eyes to signal me to tell him.

"Athy, I thought about it and is this all because you think in gonna get mad if you talk to Gally often?" He said, aww he's so sweet he's concerned. But that only made me feel worse, as if I was stabbing him on the back.

"Um sure." I said.

"Look don't worry about it. It's not like you made out with him." He laughed. Newt looked at me, he said everything with his eyes. I forced out a fake laugh and so did Newt.

We all stayed silent. I awkwardly stood there, I wanted the door to open so bad.

"Okaaayy sooo...." Minho said awkwardly. I forced out a smile. Then to my relief the door started opening.

"Sooo I have to go. See you guys later." I waved.

"Okay bye." Newt said.

"Bye." I ran in forgetting everything that just happened for a while. If Minho finds out that Gally and I kissed he'll punch everything that stands in his way.

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