Chp 2: The Glade

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I felt everyone's eyes on me like I was some alien. Some guys stared at me with utter curiousness, and others gave me filthy stares and eyed me from head to toe.

"I uh. Where am I?" I asked as calmly as I could.

"Your new home, that's where," Newt said as he climbed out of the squared hole on the ground.

"Wha.." I mumbled. How can this be home? What is happening here?

I looked passed the group of teenage guys to see a two massive walls with a gap separating the two. I followed it with my eyes and realized that the walls surrounded the place in a perfect square, each wall had a gap right in the middle leading to a mysterious looking path.

"We will tell you every thing tomorrow. When Alby gives you the Tour."

"How 'bout you tell me right now." I demanded.

"Look greenie, we will tell you everything you want to know tomorrow."

"Why won't you tell me right now? And why are you calling me greenie?" I started to get frustrated.

"Look, calm down okay?" He tried to reach out to me to calm me but I couldn't handle people touching me right now.

"Don't touch me! Tell me where I am! And why am I here!"

"Just calm down!"

"No!" I hesitated a little bit then I made a run for it. I ran towards the closest wall gap. I didn't know where it lead but I ran as fast as I could. I could hear them screaming at me to come back.

"She is heading to the Maze!" Newt screamed.

The Maze...?

They tried to get in my way but I punched every single guy that stood in front of me.

I was almost at the big gap when someone came from behind me and tackled me to the ground.

"Where you think you going shank?" The guy said. He had brown hair and was a lot taller than me. He jerked me up and held my arms so I wouldn't try to run away again.

"Let me go! You moron!" I tried to free myself but failed. I looked around me and saw guys holding their bloody noses and cut lips.

"Damn." That's all Newt said.

"You're strong Greenie and fast. you'd be a fair Runner." He continued.

"Gally, put her in the Slammer till we figure out what to do with her." The guy holding me, named Gally, pushed me to make me walk but I refused. I don't know what the Slammer is but I'm pretty sure I won't like it.

"Let me go!" I jerked my body until he had to carry me. I gave up. It was pointless.

He took me to this small room thing with no windows. The only source of light came from the tiny barred window in the door. Gally just threw me in there and locked the door.

"Hey! Let me out!" I banged on the door.

I stayed there for two hours, at least it felt like hours.

"Hey Greenie." Some guy appeared in the small window.

"Why am I here? Is this a prison? Why can't I remember anything?" I ran to the door.

"I'm Alby, I'm gonna let you out, but you have to promise not to run away. If you do we will throw you in the Cliff. Good that?"

"Yes! I promise." He unlocked the door I quickly got out of there. I didn't want the go back there.

"Where am I?" I saw the guy. He was dark skinned and taller than me. Everyone was taller than me.

"This is the Glade."

"The what?"

"The Glade, It's where we eat, sleep and work our butts off."

"Why am I here."

"Don't worry, you'll get used to this place. You're one of us now."

"But I don't want to be one of you, I wanna go home." Where ever 'home' is. Tears started building up in my eyes. But refused to cry in front of these people.

"Look I'm gonna explain everything right now so you won't try to run away again."

I only nodded.

"We have some rules around here. Number one, NEVER, no matter what, leave the Glade. Never hurt another Glader you broke that rule about five times already, and finally always do your part, Good that?"

"But what's through there?" I pointed to the exit I tried to run away through.

"Out side those Doors is the maze. You're not allowed to in there. Ever. Unless your me or a Runner."

"Why the hell is there a maze?"

"I don't know there just is. the runners go out there and try look for a way out."

"Why would someone send me here?"

"No one knows why anyone is here. We were just sent here just like you. Every month a new Greenie shows up in the box. This month was you." I was terrified.

"But why?"

"NO ONE KNOWS." He said frustrated.

"Why aren't we allowed out there?"

"Because it's too dangerous."

"How can a maze be dangerous?"

"There's stuff out there, dangerous stuff."

"Like what?"


"Grievers? Stop making up words!"

"I'm not making up anything! The Grievers live in the maze. Come out at night. That's why the runners have to come back here before those doors close at night."

"They close?"


"Oh c'mon. Are you kidding me? How could those walls move? They're freaking old and look like they haven't a moved in years."

"They just move. Every night they close, every morning they open." I felt strong curiosity to go see the maze. I'm sure these people are being stupid to think a maze can be dangerous.

"What am I gonna do here? Am I the only girl here? Why?"

"We don't know. They've only sent shanks until now they've sent a shankette." he laughed.

"What is it with this weird vocabulary? Greenie and shank."

"That's what we call the newbies that come here, soon enough you'll start talking like us. You get used to everything around here. Right now when all the keepers come together we will have a Gathering to decide what to do with you. For now go look around, explore, but Don't go out into the Maze. I'm trusting you okay?"

"Okay" I had a lot of questions to ask but all this information was already too much for me. My brain was gonna explode. This is so strange. I was overwhelmed.

I looked around. There was a garden of fruit and vegetables. People taking weeds out of it. Then there was the animal pens, the smell wasn't pleasant but I felt as if it reminded me of something. Maybe my family were farmers.

The thought of my family made me sad.

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