Chp 40: All I Want

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The whole way to my room I was talking to myself. That mental picture of Minho shirtless was burned on my brain forever. I sighed at the thought of it. He was doing it on purpose, I know it.

As soon as I entered my room I saw a piece of paper on my pillow.
It's probably a note from Newt.

I opened it curiously and read it.

"I'm sorry for everything. For provoking Minho and making you angry. Again, I an idiot. Would you please forgive me?

I took a deep breath and crumpled the note and tossed it on my bed.

I had no choice but to pretend to forgive him. For Alby. Ugh I hate this.

I grabbed my stuff and went to the shower area. Minho was sitting on a wooden bench inside.

"I'm back." I said as I came in with my stuff on my arms.

"Yeah." He responded in a sigh.

"What's wrong?" I sat next to him. Then I realized he was still shirtless, I forced my eyes to look somewhere else.

"Nothing, Nothing I was just thinking." He Looked at me and gave me an attractive half-mile. The very first time I've seen that on him.

"About?" I asked trying to keep my thoughts together.

"I guess it is frustrating, this place." He mumbled.

"It is." I sighed. He slouched and rested his elbows on his knees, his hands together.

"You know, the only thing now that makes me wanna keep going is you." He kept his stare down. His words made me smile stupidly to myself. I stayed silent, I was speechless. Now I had a reason to try harder.

"Was that too weird?" He broke the silent.

"No, it's just that I feel the same way." I slouched the same as him.

"Athy, please, you're suffocating me." He joked. I playfully bumped him.

"We can can help each other then. Just by existing?" I I hooked my arm with his and intertwined our fingers.

"Yeah, so now you know why I get so angry when your around Gally."

"But what if there was another girl here? Tall and pretty, more agile and not 'missing screws'? The total opposite of me, would you go for her instead?" I asked. Just to make sure that he's not only saying this things because I'm the only one here and he doesn't remember any other girl from his past. He fixed his eyes on mine and squeezed my hand gently.

"Of course I wouldn't. If she's the total opposite, Gally can have her. Why would I want tall and agile when I have short and clumsy? You are the one that I want because... Because I... I-I don't even know, it just happened. When I saw you the first thought that came to me was 'damn, she's beautiful.' Then I saw how smart and brave you are and it made me like you even more." I wanted to just crash my lips with his so desperately.

"That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me." I wiped a fake tear from my eye, Minho laughed.

"Why thank you. But that's enough talk for today." Minho stood up and let go of my hand.

"Right, oh and can you put a shirt on, please." I awkwardly smiled at him.

"Nah. I'll keep it off if it bothers you." He picked me up and carried me over his shoulder playfully. I squealed and laughed.

"Stop. Put me down!" I laughed as I slapped his back to put me down but he started jogging around with me still on his shoulder.

"Tell me something nice and I'll put you down!" I couldn't stop laughing because now he was tickling me with his free hand.

"Stop! No! Hahaha!" I said through hysterical laughter.

"Say something nice!" He kept running around and spinning.

"Okay okay! You're the best runner ever!" I squealed.

"Not good enough. Tell me how attractive I am."

"Hahaha you are so very attractive!! Now put me down!"

"Okay fine." He stopped moving around and gently slid me down until my feet were on the ground. His arms were still around me and my hands were in between us touching his bare chest. God!!! I wiped some laughter tears from my cheeks.

"You're terrible. You know that right?" I said.

"I know. But you know what I really want right now?" He asked. His voice was low.


"A kiss from you." He leaned his slightly but from the corner of my eyes I could see that some of the Gladers that were still up were watching us. I sighed and stood on my tippy toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"That's not what I meant." He sighed.

"I know." I gently pushed him away from me.

"But we have to go to bed so take a shower quickly." I said and he did as I ordered him.


After both of us took a shower we walked together to my room.

"Okay well good night." Minho said.

"Wait. Can you sleep with me tonight?" I asked awkwardly.

"Why?" He asked and a goofy smile started to appear on his face.

"Just because..." I looked down embarrassed.

"Alright." He said and he closed the bedroom door behind him.

Once we were both laying down I curled up in a ball under the thin blanket. I waited until he got the hint that I was cold, when I wasn't really cold.

"Are you cold?" He asked from the dark.

"Hm-hm." I answered.

"C'mere." He scooted closer to me and put an arm under my head. I snuggled on his chest.

He got the hint....

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