Quick note

3.9K 87 41

Sorry for not updating...

Truth is I sorta lost interest in writing this fanfic.

Don't get me wrong. I still absolutely love the maze runner and I'm stupidly "in love" with Minho.

It's been a year since I started writing this and I'm that kind of person that has to be doing something new.

But I have a solution for my 'losing interest' problem.....

I'm finally gonna watch The Scorch Trials today after school!!! It barely came out where I live last night.

I'm so excited that I might throw up.

I have hope that I'll encounter the courage to keep writing after today...

I really hope so cus I have some really good ideas for the ending of this book and the next one.

Yes, I'm planning on writing another! YAS

So let me know what you think? I read every single comment. And it makes me really happy that people actually like this fanfic. I didn't think I would get more than 100 reads but I'm at 95.5K!!! What is my life.

So thanks to everyone that has read it and left a nice comment. Love you all!

I wanna be a llamacorn when I grow up.


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