Chp 4: Runner

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This Minho guy was very intimidating. But I had already set my mind in to it so I will achieve. Hopefully.

I will become a runner.

"Hey! Don't walk away!" I yelled at his back.

He stopped and looked over his shoulder.

"Make me." From that moment I knew I liked him. Along with Alby and newt. Well they're the only people I've officially met. Although Alby makes me want to punch myself.

I stared at Minho walking away and Alby coming my way. Minho stopped to tell him something, he looked at me and continued walking.

"Greenie. Minho tells me you want to be a runner." Alby started.

"Yup. Is that a problem?" I said seriously crossing my arms on my chest.

"Nope just that it's too dangerous out there for a girl."

"What?! How do you know? If from what you're saying is true you don't have the memory to say such thing. So don't underestimate me!"

"Hey! Calm down. I never said you couldn't. You need to convince Minho. That's up to him." I nodded.

"Come I'll show you where you'll be sleeping." I followed him to the Homestead.

This is the first time I've seen it from the in side. It looked very old and not comfortable to live in.

I followed Alby in silent up the stairs and into a room.

"This is where you'll sleep. I assumed you would want to sleep away from the other Gladers, you know cus you're a girl."

"Yeah..... thanks." I looked around at the room. Not pretty.

"Yeah well sleep. Tomorrow we will have a gathering. Okay?"

"what's a Gathering?"

"When all the keepers get together to make some decision." He explained.

"Do you have this after every Greenie shows up in the box?"


"Than why are you having it for me?" I asked curiously.

"Because you're the only girl."

"Oh? Um is that very bad?" I sat on the old bed. That was pushed against a corner next to a broken window covered with a torn cloth.

"We don't know. It's unusual. Just let us do our thing." He said. My eyes were burning and I felt tears coming in. I'm being naive to think that this place can be good or cheerful.

The tears started to trail down my cheeks.


"You okay?" Alby looked down at me.

"Yeah I'm just... I'm fine." I lied.

"Look I know it's hard. We've all been through this. Every single one of us cried like babies when we first came from the box. It's okay to cry. It means you have feelings. Which I was doubting when you beat up those guys." I gave him a weak laugh.

"I want to go home." I sobbed and buried my face in my hands.

Alby sat next to me. And put his arm around me.

"We all do."

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