Chp 10: A Bloody Mess

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I woke up in the box. The light burning my eyes but I got used to it. I struggled to get out of the box. My whole body felt sore. I looked all around the glade but there was no one. But nothing seemed out of place. The Homestead. The animal pens. The Map Room. The Bloodhouse. Everything was in place. But no Gladers to be seen.

I ran all around the glade looking for people.

"Alby?!" I yelled.

"Newt?! Frypan?!" I continued but no one ever showed themselves.

"Minho?!" I yelled again and again.

I started to get scared. I went into the homestead. There was almost all the Gladers in there eating and talking among themselves. I felt relieved. I spotted Alby talking to newt and eating, I went to him.

"Hey. Why was I in the box?" I asked him but he didn't even look at me. He kept talking to newt. For some reason I couldn't hear his conversation. Or any conversation.

"Alby?" Still no response from him. Like he didn't even hear me.

"Newt? What's going on?" He too ignored me.

"Hey! It's not funny! Talk to me!" I yelled to them but no one seemed to notice me.

I looked around the Gladers but nobody showed any sign of knowledge that I was there.

I reached out to Alby's shoulder. He felt like stone. Still no answer or any reaction towards me whatsoever.

"Alby! Newt! Please talk to me! If this is some kind of joke, just drop it already! It's not funny!" I got frustrated and ran out of the homestead and started crying.

In the east door that lead to the Maze I saw a figure moving. For a moment I though it was Griever. But no, it was Minho. He was walking with his head down. I ran to him. I was about twelve feet away from him.

"Minho! What's going on? Why is everyone ignoring me?" Minho looked up. He saw me and stopped dead on his tracks. Horror filled his face. His eyes moved all around the glade and then to me.

"What did you do?!" He yelled at me.

"What?" I was confused.

"Athy, what on shuck earth did you do?!"

"I... I didn't do any..." I looked down. I was all covered in blood. I was holding a long knife covered in blood as well.

I gasped and dropped the knife. I stared at my blood covered hands.

"What...?" I turned around. There were lifeless bodies everywhere. All covered in blood. I had killed everyone.
But how? Why?

"Why would you do this?" Minho said. Tears forming in his eyes.

"I... I didn't. I-I would never." I said. My voice cracking.
Minho looked at me.

"I'm gonna kill you!" His eyes filled with anger.

"Minho! I didn't do this! I swear!" I started crying.

Minho threw himself at me. He started punching me. I found the knife I had and tabbed him in between his ribs. He stopped moving and rolled off of me.

"No! What did I just do?!" I dropped the knife again.

"Minho I'm so sorry! Please don't die!"

***end of dream***

"Wow hey there Greenie. Had an intense dream, I suppose?" It was Newt.

I sat up. My forehead dripping with sweat and I had tears in my eyes.

"Yeah, I guess." I says wiping my eyes and forehead.

"Yeah. I watched the whole bloody thing. You were whimpering and talking gibberish. It gave me the willies."

"What time is it?"I said rubbing my eyes.

"'Bout seven. I just came to bring you something to eat. Then Alby is gonna let you out." He handed me a plate of food but I didn't feel hungry.

"I can't wait to get out of here."

"Yeah well Alby will be here in a bit so eat you'll need your strength." With that he left.

I didn't eat. I just waited for Alby to come.

He finally came and unlocked the door.

"I hope you learned your lesson." Alby said.

"I did."

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