Chp 18: lots of Running

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We ran a lot! All through the Maze we were running left and right. I did memorize all the turns and everything and surprisingly I didn't pass out.

"So what do we look for?" I asked Minho, who was just in front of me.

"A pattern.... something unusual." He said in between breaths.

"Woah! There's something unusual." I said when I saw those letters printed on the wall.

"World in catastrophe killzone experiment department. What does that mean?" I read the words.

"Don't know, it's always been there." We stopped running.

"We should take a break, drink some water." He ordered me, I did as I was told and took a sip from my water.

Minho sat down on the ground with his legs stretched out. I did the same but I sat in cris-cross.

"What do you think of it so far?"

"Of what? Being a runner?" I asked.

"Yeah, ya dumb shank." He snapped.

"You know you could try treating me with respect sometimes. I am a girl." I glared at him.

"Umm..." He pretended to think about it.

"Nah." He said finally. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. I think it's not that bad. Maybe I'll replace you soon as keeper of the Runners." I joked. Than he glared at me.

"Yeah, right after I ride my pet Griever into the sunset." He laughed.

"It can happen you know? You can just stand in front of the Griever, flex those 'guns of yours' and it'll fall instantly in love with you." I stood up.

"Think your funny?" He stood up as well.

"Yeah, I think I played that off pretty well." I gave him a proud look. He shook his head and started to walk again. I wasn't tired or anything but I didn't start walking. I just stood there looking around, then I saw something flying around. It looked like an animal/insect.

"Hey, Minho, what are those?" I pointed at the thing. Minho looked back to where I was pointing.

"We call them beetle-blades. But we don't know what they are." He kept walking. I catched up with him.

"Have you ever caught one?" I asked.

"Nope, we could never do it, they always disappear to I don't know where."

"Ohh," I looked back to where I had seen the beetle-blade, it wasn't there anymore.

"Let's start running again." He ran without waiting for my response. I ran after him.
About an hour passed and there wasn't anything new, just walls with ivy. No sounds of anything, only our foot steps.

"What if... We don't... Find.... Anything?" I asked him in between breaths. I was tired now.

"Nothing... We just go back." He answered. We ran for a few more minutes than we stopped.

"We need to have lunch." He said.

"Oh good, I'm starving." I sighed.

We sat down and ate our lunch in silent.

*** Minho's POV ***

I watched Athy as she ate and looked around in amazement. She was beautiful. I started to feel something in my stomach. Something like butterflies. I've never felt like this or at least I don't remember. I like Athy. Ah shuck it! I like Athy! Why does this happen to me?!

"Why are you staring at me?" Athy asked bursting my thoughts.

"Oh sorry." I said but I realized I had just been taking bites from my sandwich but never chewed them nor swallowed them so they were all still in my mouth.

"Did you forget how to eat?" She laughed.

"No!" I said, a little embarrassed. What am I thinking?! I'm embarrassed?! I need to stop I'm not being myself right now.

"Let's go!" I said as I put the lunch pack back in my back pack.

"But I haven't finished." Athy whined.

"Then hurry!" I stood there watching her quickly eat the last half if her sandwich.

"Okay, I'm done." She says through a mouth full. She stood up and smiled at me. A really big smile.

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