Chapter 25 - Erudite News

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Chapter 25 - Erudite News


I get up early the next day, unable to really sleep.

I'm just so pissed.

What the hell is wrong with that man? I get it that he's Candor, but does he even have a soul? It's not like any of this would even involve his faction or whatnot. We just need his stupid approval along with the rest of the faction leaders because of the newer rules of the city.

I do my usual morning routine of showering, brushing my teeth, feeding Indy and getting some kind of food for myself.

Completely forgetting that I haven't been home in weeks, I open my fridge to find rotten, mushy fruit, old meat, and there's moldy bread on my counter top.

The smell when I open the fridge is so horrendous that even Indy stops eating his food and leaves the kitchen. I put all of the food down the garbage chute in my apartment that then gets taken care of by the faction.

I look in my freezer to see if I have anything, but all there is is some ice, freezer burned ice cream and a piece of unwrapped cake that Zeke put in there a while back and I had forgotten about.

Both are extremely inedible so they go down the chute as well.

I go through all of my cabinets, trying to find some kind of food that isn't perishable and that I could still eat.

Then I see it: a can of chicken noodle soup.

The only food in my house that isn't rotten, moldy or freezer burned.

I pull out a pot and put the soup in the pot on the stove.

Maybe I should've taken mom's offer to eat at her place last night instead of just coming home and not eating anything...

Of course, I could've gone to the cafeteria for food last night or this morning, but I really just don't feel like it.

The cafeteria is always just so crowded and really can be a pain when you just want to get out of there and not converse.

So the chicken soup is actually the better option.

Going over to the small television in my living room, I turn it on, wondering if it will even work because of how little I ever use it.

It springs to life, the screen colorfully lighting up with the Erudite news channel popping on.

Indy runs up and starts barking at the TV, the people on it intriguing him to do so.

"Indy. Stop it! It's okay."

He patters over to my feet and sits down next to me, waging his tail in victory.

Good morning people of Chicago! How is everyone on this fine, cold day? Looks like some snow has rolled in last night and it's still coming down pretty good out there, so make sure to dress appropriately and travel safely today.

This just in, the idea for Dauntless and Erudite to go and do investigation on the building down in Kentucky was not passed. Hear more on this later.

Erudite is working on a medication to help cure blindness. Also hear more on this later.

And for the very awaited story we'll be talking about today: Former Abnegation leader, Andrew's daughter we know was rescued from the building along with him and the rest of his family. We also know from before the rescue that she was in probably the worst shape. Hear new information about her and what we've heard yesterday at the faction meeting in Dauntless; her now former faction. There will be more on this later.

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