"I was thinking. What if we made a club, and you and Harry could teach us!" She beamed, clapping her hands together. My jaw dropped, but I closed it quickly, biting my lip. Harry would be better at this. I mean, if he would do it, I'd help, but it'd be him in charge. "Please Gracie! I need you to help convince him!"

"Your going to have to convince me first Mione. Why would I be any good at this? I mean, Harry would be brilliant! But me?" I trailed off, looking away. It's always come down to Harry during the defense stuff. Never me.

"Yes you! Your always there beside him! You've been through so much an lived! Your basically guaranteed a position as auror! Everyone knows that! Who better than to teach us how to fight you know who, then the two people of three people who've ever done it and lived?" She grabbed my arm, squeezing it. I sighed, nodding my head.

"I'll do it. On two conditions!"


"First of all, Harry has to do it! I'll be his assistant or something. Harry has to be in charge. And secondly, stop with the you know who! You know as well as I so fear of the name only increases fear of the thing itself!" I rolled my eyes, watching her smile grow.


"What's a deal?" Draco and Ginny flopped down on the love seat and Nat in a chair. It was Nat who asked, but I was focused on Draco.

"How'd you get in here?" I asked, eyeing him skeptically.

"I blocked the twits ears while our love struck little friend over here said the password!" Nat rolled her eyes, jabbing a thumb at Ginny. I smiled at them, letting them know I didn't mind. "So what deal?"

"Gracie agreed!" Mione squealed, bouncing up and down.

"She did?! You did!?" Ginny jumped up, staring down at me incredulously. I nodded, quirking an eyebrow. Nat, Gin, and Mione jumped around squealing an such.

"I get the feeling they planned this!" I yelled over the noise, talking to Draco. He nodded, staring at them. More Ginny than anyone, but yeah. I rolled my eyes, waiting for the squeals to die down.

"What's with all the noise?" Harry asked, sitting down beside me. The girls saw him and shut up immediately, batting their eyes and smiling sweetly. It was so weird! Harry looked scared. "What?"

"We need your help!" Ginny smiled, stepping closer. Mione had a creepy smile, like pedobear creepy. He scooted backwards uncomfortably, looking at me for help. I burst into laughter, watching it unfold, Draco joined me, doubling over and clutching his stomach.

"No guys. Just no!" I laughed, wiping away a tear of laughter. "Harry, they're are right. We need your help!" I smiled softly at him, taking his hand.

"Unbelievable! You can see him melting!" Nat whispered, throwing her hands into the air.

"Shush!" Mione hushed, elbowing her.

"With what?"

"Mione and apparently these other two have been scheming. They want us to make a club thing, be in charge, teach them Defense Against the Dark Arts. I the words of Hermione Granger, who better to teach them to defeat Voldemort better than the two of three people who've ever done it and lived?" I rolled my eyes, giving him a small smile.

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, not really looking at any of us. "I don't know!"

"That's what I said." I muttered, rolling my eyes again. He smirked a bit, then nudged me gently.

A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum