
"I hate her!" I grumbled, sitting down for lunch. That's been my main thoughts all morning. I hate Dolores Umbridge. She can go kiss a dementor for all I care!

"You too?" The twins chorused, sitting across from me. I nodded while they frowned. "She hates us!" Fred's face brightened up considerably from their before statement. I laughed, nodding and gesturing between Harry and I.

"Us too! We've got detention after dinner!" I sighed, running a hand through my hair. They held up their hands for a high five. In their book, detention is a good thing, but I'm sure you know this by now. I did it, then started my lunch.

"What a twit!" Harry grumbled, probably about the toad. What else would it be? He took my hand under the table, squeezing it a bit, but it didn't hurt. "Ready to go?" He asked, looking around. Hardly anyone was in the hall. I nodded, grabbed my bag and followed Harry out.


"Ready for detention?" Harry took my hand, rubbing soothing circles into the back of it. We were standing outside the door to the toad's office. I nodded, smiling at him. I knocked on the door and it was flung open immediately. I stepped backwards, glaring at her.

"Come in!" She smiled the fakest warm smile I've ever seen. I rolled me eyes, pushing past her into the office. There were two seats on either side of the room, I took mine and Harry took his. We exchanged a last look before we started. "You'll be using my quills!" She handed one to each of us. She needs to fix that twitch. It's quite unattractive.

"What do we write?" I smiled innocently, batting my eyes. Can I just say, purple is not her color.

"I must not tell lies!"

"Then quit doing it!" I muttered, turning to my paper. Hang on a sec, what do I write with?

"There's no ink." Harry stated, keeping it short and not so sweet. I giggled, glaring at her.

"You won't need any ink!" She smiled at me, but not the happy kind. The, 'I'm about to make your life hell' kind. I smiled at her before I started to right. There was a burning on the back of my hand. When I checked, it was red and irritated. Uhm? The ink is bright red, my hand is burning. Put two and two together. This is a quill designed for torture. I wanted to look at Harry, but we'd agreed not to. Now that I think about it, that was stupid, but, er, maybe he's looking at me too?

"Keep writing!" She snapped, walking towards me. I kept going, trying to to cry. Not but ten minutes later there was blood pouring over my hand. It leaked onto the paper, making big spots and stains all over it. She came over to me, drug my hand across the paper, and when I didn't make a sound, she looked absolutely ticked off. I smirked, but hid my hand from her so she couldn't do it again. When I looked over, Harry looked like he was going to break the quill. He looked really, really angry.

"You may go! You too Mr. Potter!" She ripped the quill from my hand, Harry dropped his on his desk and we walked out together. As soon as we were out of her range, I whimpered, looking at my hand.

"Are you alright? Let me see!" Harry stepped in front of me, taking my hand. He flipped it over gently, looking at the line that was scratched into my hand. I wouldn't be surprised if it scars. Or if I get detention again. I'm not letting her win. I won't give her the satisfaction.

"I'm okay. Really!" I smiled, keeping the tears at bay. He nodded grimly, dropping my hand and pulling me into a hug. He kissed my forehead, holding me close to himself. "What about you? Are you okay?" I whispered, looking him in the eye.

"I'm fine!" He sighed, running his left hand through his hair. I nodded, taking his good hand in mine, and walked towards the common room. When we got there, Mione, Nat, Ginny, and Ron were waiting.

"Hey!" I smiled sitting down beside of Ginny.

"Hey!" She said, but she sounded disappointed. I rolled my sleeve down over my hand, hoping that it would hide it when I hugged her. I curled my fist around the hem of the sleeve, then hugged her.

"You can't move up a year?" She shook her head glumly, confirming my suspicions.

"Why are you doing that with your sleeves?" Nat asked, eyeing them suspiciously. I let go of it, thankfully it was still stretched.

"I don't know. I got a cold chill and it was reflex!" I shrugged, stretching out on the couch. Harry was sitting in the chair beside me, looking around awkwardly.

"No it wasn't. Your lying. Harry's messing with his sleeves too!"

"Special bond?" I shrugged, curling up instead of stretching out. I was freezing all of a sudden. She rolled her eyes, glaring at me. She reached for my hand, but I jerked it back. "What are you doing?"

"Let me see your hand!"

"Why?" She jabbed for it again, I jerked back defensively, and right into Mione and Ginny's grasp. "Would you quit? Nothing's wrong!" I groaned, but I was drowned out by their gasps.

"You have to tell Dumbledore!" Mione sighed, touching it gently. I winced, looking at Harry. He was going through the same thing though, Ron was examining his hand.

"No!" We chorused, meeting each others eye. We didn't look at them when we spoke. "We can't go to Dumbledore and give her the satisfaction!" I said, keeping eye contact with Harry.

"No. You have to go!" Ginny snapped, glaring at us. I ignored that.

"No. We can't. We can't let her win. Besides, it's over with now." Harry shrugged, standing up.

"Wait!" Mione sighed, pulling out her wand. "There's an herbal medicine that will help. Here!" He waved her wand and it popped up in front of us. Harry and I stuck are hands into it, letting each one soak. I laced my fingers through his, we pulled them out together, letting them drip on the rug.

"Thanks Mione!" I smiled, looking down at my hand. It felt amazing!

"Thanks Hermione!" Harry smiled as well. We walked towards his stair case. "Coming?" He smirked, nodding towards his dorm. I nodded, giggling a bit. "Night!" He called over his shoulder, leading me up the stairs.

"Night!" I giggled, waving over my shoulder.

"Night!" They chorused, we opened his door and walked in. The three other boys were already in there, laying in bed talking. Harry walked over to his trunk, pulling out a t-shirt.

"Here you go love!" He kissed my forehead, pulling out his own clothes. I smiled, skipping over to their bathroom. Ew. They're gross. I slipped the shirt over my head and folded my robes. I walked into the room, dropping them on top of Harry's trunk.

"Geez Harry! Do you have to sleep with her every night?" Dean groaned, hiding his head under his pillow.

"Yep!" Harry smirked, popping the 'p'. I giggled, crawling in bed beside him. I smiled when he wrapped his arms around my waist. I snuggled as close to him as I possibly could, falling into the habit of curling my fist around his shirt.

"Don't worry bout him Harry! He's just jealous! Night Gracie!"

"Night Neville!" I yawned, falling asleep. "Night Harry!"

A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now