Part 50

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Klaus panicked when he'd lost Caroline but soon her heard screams and found her sitting her her knees to her chest and covered in blood with the hunter Alexander dead at her feet. "I have to die, I didn't mean to become a monster mom I'm sorry" she cried lifting a tree branch into the air preparing to stake herself. Klaus tackled her snatching it from her hand and pulling her into the circle of his arms to restrain her "I'm going to fix this love I promise" he whispered before snapping her neck and speeding back to the ship finding it empty and everyone gone. He put her in a empty storage closet after ensuring there was nothing in there for her to kill herself with and left to find the others bumping into Elijah who lost Katarina as well. The two traced Stefan's scent scent it was the freshest and ended up in a cave surrounded by tunnels and decided to split up "always and forever brother" Elijah said giving him a brotherly embrace which he returned. "Always and forever"

"My dear Silas...  Did you honestly believe you could escape me" Bonnie smiled down at the calcified corpse before laying eyes on Stefan and Katarina who were passed out in a corner. "I just need the cure" Damon snapped speeding forward but with the flick of her wrist Bonnie tossed him away. "The cure is for Silas, I will first strip him of his immortality, then he will die" she grinned and began chanting. "Feed him the girl" Bonnie ordered Jeremy and he obey unable to fight the hunters curse. "Bonnie Stop!" Kol screamed finally finding his way through the maze of tunnels with Rebekah "how the hell did he get here" she gasped grabbing Stefan and leaving. Jeremy and Damon rushed Kol nd though he managed to once again snap Damon's neck Jeremy staked him before grabbing a hold of Kat who weakly struggled under the weight of Bonnie's magic.  "No! Bon it's me... Bonnie please" she screamed still struggling against Jeremy. "Do it feed him NOW!" Bonnie screamed with a bloody nose and falling faint as Silas began to rise. "NO!" Rebekah screamed coming through the tunnel once again. "Sorry little Gilbert" she said as she grabbed Kat and shoved Jeremy into Silas' grasp watching as he drank him dry and snapped his neck. "Finally!" Kai yelled coming from his hiding place grasping Silas' shoulder siphoning his magic. Rebekah and Katarina held their heads screaming in pain before their world went black.

Everyone woke in the cave starving and weak with Jeremy's decomposing body emitting a foul odor. "I think I found them!" Caroline's voice rang out and multiple sets of footsteps came their way only stopping when Klaus, Elijah, Nadia and a newly turned Matt breezed into the room with blood bags for everyone. "What the hell happened! What did you psychos do!" Damon shouted seeing Jeremy dead and rotted on the ground. "He was going to feed Katarina to Silas. I know that's your girlfriend's brother but Elijah is mine and Kat is my friend" Rebekah heaved hastily drinking her blood bag. "How is he a vampire?"

"It wasn't safe for him to remain human. We've been trying to find you all for months, I guess after Silas died the magic cloaking this place and the spell putting you all to sleep wore off" Nadia huffed. "Months!"

"Yes Months! Kai and Silas lifted the veil and in return Silas took the cure, let Kai siphon his magic and killed himself so as you can imagine it isn't safe to be a human in Mystic Falls right now" Matt interrupted. On the way back Nadia and Matt filled everyone in on what they'd missed. The dead now walked among them,  Kai was now the most powerful witch on the planet and their home was a supernatural wasteland. "The damage is spreading, at this rate the entire world will soon fall into darkness; every supernatural creature who has ever died now lives again" Nadia emphasized. "So I'll close the veil" Bonnie said but the idea was quickly rejected. "You may be immortal but Kai is much stronger than you and you'd have to go to Mystic Falls to do it he'll never allow it"

"So we kill the witch then, he isn't immortal" Klaus cut in on Matt's statement but he too was quickly dismissed. "Niklaus if every supernatural creature on the other side now lives that means Mother and Father has risen as well" Elijah added and all of the originals sucked in a breath. "Bon, Abbey and Grams are back, they're at our house; we moved to a town just outside of Mystic Falls. You're mom is there too care" Matt revealed bringing some good news to the bunch. After their long trip to their new home they all ate showered and changed meeting in the dining room Where Sheila and Abbey Bennett waited along with Emily, Ayana and Qetsiyah. "Silas' power comes from his age and knowledge but there was once a much stronger witchline. Their witches were so great that the spirits stripped them of their power until only one remained. When that witch died the next witch was born and she would wield not only her own power but on her 18th birthday be given the power and knowledge of all witches before her" Ayana explained but when on to say the line had been lost through the ages. "We've created a spell that would allow us to send a descendant back through time to claim the power of her line; she then can send herself back. Kai would be no match" Emily went on locking arms with the other elder Bennett witches. Qetsiyah and Ayana who were on the ends of the chain stretched their hands forward as all four Bennett's began chanting "it's up to you now sweet pea" Sheila said with tears in her eyes as the room shook and a powerful gust of wind blew through the space before a strong suction took it's place. A horrified ear splitting scream filled the room as Caroline vanished before everyone's eyes. "What have you done! Where has she gone!" Klaus screamed struggling against Kol, Elijah and Stefan. "It is up to fate where she lands. The spirits would not have allowed this if it were not meant to be, they would not trade one evil for another but taking her away from you" Ayana offered but was cut off by pained groans coming from the originals who fell to their knees gasping. "This isn't possible... That didn't happen did it?" Rebekah gasped. "I remember it too, but it can't be that was over 1000 years ago" Kol breathed looking at Elijah who nodded. "I just remembered a festival that our village held in the square when we were still human... It was the night we first me Caroline. You sent her back to the 10th century" 

AND CUT!!!!! My dear readers that is the end of this book (I will edit later)

Vote & Comment, Comment, Comment.....

P.S.... The end of The Vampire Diaries 7x13 (did your soul cry because mine did); and what do you guys think of this Bonnie/Enzo mashup they've got going? I Like It... What about you guys?

P.P.S... Be on the look out for the sequel Back to the Beginning; I'll be posting that soon 

IT'S nearly 3 AM... NITE LOVES

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