Part 33

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Afterward Rebekah, Bonnie and Caroline sat down to plan prom deciding on a Phantom of the Opera theme and the girls were thrilled when Elijah and Klaus allowed them to have it in the mansion. They worked out all of the details and would order the decorations once they returned to Mystic Falls. "We need to go dress shopping prom is only a couple of months away" Caroline shrieked. "Let's pick a weekend and go dress shopping in New York" Katarina suggested walking into the meeting. "What? It's at our house so clearly I'm crashing, I've never been to a prom" she shrugged taking a seat and staring down Bonnie and Caroline. "One of you had better start spilling... witchy how was 1000 year old vampire sex?"

"Really Kat" Bonnie said burying her face in her hands. "How about we start with hybrid sex" Bonnie then redirected. "1000 year old hybrid sex is amazing if you must know; just gotta watch the teeth" Caroline winked. "Details!" Nadia said walking into the room. "I have a question first... Kat I have to know" Caroline smirked and Katarina motioned for her to continue. "You are a bit of a freak and Elijah is a gentleman so how does that play out?"

"Trust me Care, if there is one place Elijah is absolutely not a gentleman it's in the bedroom" she smiled wickedly.

Klaus POV

"Do you smell that?" Caroline asked for the hundredth time. Of course I smelled it, hybrid senses are sharper than a vampire but want I couldn't understand is how she could smell it. She shouldn't have been able to sense some of the things she did. "Are you feeling alright today love?"

"Yes and No... I feel weird. I swear I can hear everything, see everything; I feel like running" she said taking off through the trees, I caught up to her but she was much faster than usual. I watched her closely for the rest of day, there was something off about Caroline but I couldn't figure out what it was. "Caroline! We're cooking dinner come on" I heard Rebekah call from the kitchen once we returned home from our day out together so I sought out Matt and Stefan since next to Bonnie they knew Caroline best. "She has been weird the past couple of days, ever since the beach incident" Matt thought out loud after I'd asked about Caroline. "I noticed she's been a little twitchy, smelling things no one else does, seeing and hearing things we can't... Katarina also mentioned last night" Elijah added. "You all can't smell, see or hear it but I can" I told them while we were out today she could see and hear farther than she should be able to. "She said she felt like running and it actually took me a moment to catch her" We all sat in thought until Caroline's screams startled us all. In the kitchen she was curled into a ball screaming in pain "what's wrong with me" she hissed before screaming again. I could only hold her in my arms while Bonnie chanted trying to stop her pain. "OH MY GOD"

"What is it Bonnie help her!" I screamed breaking inside watching my love in pain. "She's becoming a hybrid" Bonnie said rubbing Caroline's hair. "She's what! I didn't do this" I yelled when everyone looked at me. "Guys this isn't Klaus' fault, it's in her blood" Bonnie went on to explained and it made me feel worse. Caroline is Tyler's half sister so their father must have been the one with the werewolf gene. Like me Caroline became a vampire first and triggered the werewolf curse when she saved me the other night; tonight is a full moon. This is all my fault "I have to get her out of here" I picked her up and sped her away deep into the woods far away from any humans and turning near a house full of vampires was not a good idea. "Klaus help me" she cried in my arms. "You have to turn love, just this once and you'll never have to do it again" I whispered helping her take off her clothes so she'd have them when it was over then I shed my own preparing myself to shift so she didn't have to do it alone. "You don't have to do this" she said breathing hard as the first of the bones began to break and she held back a scream. "It's easier not to fight it love, I know it hurts but you're almost done" I rubbed her back gently watching the woman I love forced to become wolf because I couldn't protect us. "Her screams began to quiet and soft whimpers took their place as the most beautiful pure white wolf with deep blue eyes stood before me. I gave myself over to my own wolf voluntarily breaking my own bones something I had done many times before so my shift went quickly. She was so beautiful, My Caroline.

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