Part 46

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Caroline stretched with a smile feeling Klaus' arm tighten around her "we're still outside" Caroline gasped wrapping the sheet around her chest. "Well good news is the heat is over, you're mine forever" Klaus grinned grabbing his jeans and sliding them while Caroline only put on his t shirt that covered enough for her to make it to their room. "Well well well, look who's free from claiming" Kat smirked when they came into the house. "Claiming, I've heard of that; don't you have to bang 24 hours straight?" 

"Kai... When did you get here?" Caroline asked with an annoyed expression. "A few moments ago to check the twins progress. Bennett witch, Petrova doppleganger, and I have an acendant" he said excitedly. "Time to go to the prison world"

"Yea I don't think so... Not until you tell us why" Bonnie said with a raised eyebrow. "You don't need to know why"

"You want my help you tell us why" Kat chimed in crossing her arms across her chest. "My sister is there, she lost it a bit because our coven said we were defective and niether of us could ever be coven leader and that's what she'd always wanted" Kai sniffed letting a few tears fall for effect. "When our twin siblings were born she tried to siphon their powers to become coven leader and killed them so they locked her away. I can help her I know it... I just want my sister back" he cried convincingly; they might have believed him if they didn't know the truth. After telling Kai they'd consider it and making sure he left Klaus and Caroline showered and they met in the library which Bonnie spelled so they could talk freely. They sat weighing the their options on handling Kai, they couldn't just kill him but they needed him out of the way until they could figure out how to get the hunters mark completed and kill Silas. "Right now those bracelets that Kai wears holds both David and Devin's power in them, he can only channel it because neither are his twin" Bonnie's cell rang interrupting her rant showing Conner's name, he wanted her to meet the hunters that had just arrived. "We have to do something, one is bad enough but three is too much even for hybrids and originals we need to split them up" Kat said pacing. "They don't know we have Tom so Stefan should go to Atlanta with Rebekah and be in love, an original getting close to the human doppleganger will draw them out. Elijah and I will go in the other direction, I'm sure I can play pathetic long enough for them to believe I'm human and follow us"

"I'll use the spell I used to make Kat appear human when we swap her and Elena for the cure on the night of the curse. If they get too close they won't hurt you" Bonnie added. "No" Caroline yelled shaking her head letting tears fall. "This is how it starts... This is how it started before" she heaved. "First we split up then start we're picking each other off like pawns on a chest board! We have the distractions, the witch, originals to hide behind because they aren't as easily killed as the rest of us--"

"Caroline stop!" Klaus screamed pulling her into his arms. "I'm not doing this again" she sobbed grabbing Klaus wrist pulling him into her thoughts. 

"Your the only useless stupid thing here"

"Blondie's friendly with Barbie Klaus let her be the distraction, what else is she good for other than being hot"

"Caroline do you think Rebekah and Elijah would open up to you sense you're the only one it seems they won't kill"

"Kol's into you, flirt a little... We call you Barbie for a reason"

"Bonnie can do her witchy woo and we're home free or she dies and we're minus a witch"

"That's what's Bon Bon is for"

"That isn't us love... We're a family, we love each other, protect each other, fight for each other" Klaus whispered rubbing her back. "This isn't team protect anyone person Care, we're a family. Always and Forever" Bonnie smiled wrapping her arms around Caroline and Klaus hugged them both. "Always and Forever" everyone vowed forming one big group hug. The next day Katarina, Elijah, Stefan and Rebekah would be leaving them and a very deadly game will have begun.

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