Part 20

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"You did it?" Elena asked and Abbey nodded informing them that she'd successful woke Esther and Finn. Hearing this Klaus, Kol and Rebekah sped home with Enzo following to warn Elijah that their mother had been raised only to be met by her and their eldest brother when they arrived. "Hello my children" she said hugging them all including Niklaus. "I know what you must think of me but you are wrong. 1000 years is a long time to think and I want to put the past behind us and be a family again. I will even have your friends freed from the house to which they are bound" she smiled. They all stood in shock at her words not knowing what to think. "I forgive you Niklaus, and I am deeply sorry for everything I've contributed to making your life miserable" she whispered hugging him again. After showing her to a room, Finn as well they all went out to talk afraid to do so in the house. "Something's wrong here... Isn't it?" Kol asked pacing the wooded area where they chose to talk. "I say we play into it for now, it'll get Bonnie and Care released then we take them and run" Rebekah suggested but it was quickly dismissed. Esther was very powerful and would find them wherever they went even with Bonnie cloaking them; it would be like Mikael all over again. "We watch her closely, play it by ear for now to see what her angle is if we can't run. She's planning something; it won't do us any good to not know what" Katarina suggest and they agreed. Kat and Enzo decided to go and stay at Katarina's apartment while Esther was there to give them space and Caroline and Bonnie were released later that evening meeting Rebekah and Katarina at the grill like they had planned. "I know there's something I wanted to tell you but I can't remember what Bonnie" said and Caroline agreed. "She suppressed it" a girl said appearing at the table and hugged Katarina. "This is Lucy, she's also a descendant of the Bennett line but not a direct like you Bonnie" she said smiling and the two witches hugged. "Can you undo my mom's suppression of our memories?"

"I can but not here... We can go to my hotel" she offered and they headed out. They reached the hotel she immediately set up candles and went to work 15 minutes and a few screams later their minds are clear. "Esther is gonna kill you all" Bonnie said to Rebekah as soon as she could speak. "Using blood she got from Elena her and my mom will link you all together by blood so if one dies you all do. Finn is the sacrifice" Bonnie said sadly. Bekah sent a text to her her brothers telling them to meet her at the boarding house and they left quickly. "Can you break your bond?" Katarina asked Lucy who shook her head. They arrived within seconds of Klaus, Elijah, and Kol storming into the house without knocking startling Damon, Elena, Tyler and Ric. "You goddamn morons do you know what you've done. You idiots have killed us all!" Rebekah screamed speeding over to Elena slapping her in the face. "You and that little bitch have literally killed every vampire in the world including yourself!" she said to Damon. "What's happened Rebekah?" Klaus asked with his arms around Caroline. Bonnie stepped up and told everyone what her mother and Esther were planning and the originals went pale. "We finally get our friends back and you four will rot in hell" Tyler stood looking at Caroline who growled. "Well you'll be right with us dumbass because clearly you idiots don't know what happens when you kill an original" Kat seethed. "When an original dies every vampire in the world from their bloodline will die with them. Meaning when Klaus dies I will die. I made Stefan and Damon whose blood turned Caroline and Klaus' blood made you a hybrid Tyler so you're dead too. Congratulations Elena you've just killed your boyfriend and all your supposed to be friends" Katarina continued with a murderous expression. "You're lying... Abbey and Esther"
"Lied to you... I doubt Abbey even knows the extent of what she's done and now Esther is channeling the entire Bennett bloodline so Bonnie can't stop her; it's up to you lot to fix your mistake" Elijah said quickly whispering something to Klaus and Kol and they sped away. "With Caroline, Bonnie and even Enzo my family had finally found peace, we were happy and you've destroyed it Ms.Gilbert... I may be a gentleman but when it comes to my family Niklaus is not the one you should have feared" he growled. "I've just instructed Kol and Niklaus to seize Jeremy Gilbert and Carol Lockwood. The moon will be at it's peak tomorrow at 9pm. You have until 8pm to fix this or I will turn them myself and they will die along with us" Elijah spat at Elena and Tyler before speeding away with Rebekah leaving Caroline and Bonnie. 

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