Part 9

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It had been a week and Bonnie and Caroline drove silently to the Mikaelson Mansion feeling a tad bit guilty. Elena had been distant since Jenna's death, Damon and Stefan spent every waking moment checking on her so they had begun feeling left out of that circle but continued to befriend Rebekah. Bonnie wore a short black dress with thin straps that hugged her figure with silver heels and Caroline a soft blue strapless dress that reached mid thigh with white heels and both got stamps of approval from Rebekah who wore a tight purple dress that stopped just above the knees. Kol was in front of Bonnie in an instant staring at her like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time "hello beautiful, Kol Mikaelson"

"Bonnie Bennett"

He kissed her knuckles but didn't release her hand and she blushed slightly under his gaze. "Nik our guest have arrived" Rebekah called as she led them to the living room and Kol got them champagne. There was a rush of air and Caroline couldn't take her eyes off of the man before her; he had curly dirty blonde hair, a lean athletic figure and the most gorgeous blue green eyes that she'd ever seen. She felt it click then, the huge missing piece of herself. The room was quiet and everyone's eyes were focused on the pair "Hello Caroline" his voice sent tiny shivers through her as she rose from her seat and stood before him watching him shamelessly eye rape her in front of his family. "Hello Niklaus"

The sound of his name coming from her mouth was heavenly. She is more beautiful than anything I could have ever imagined... My Caroline. Her heart sped up in her chest again she felt like she should know him; she knew that she should considering the little information Elijah and Rebekah had given her. She wanted to hug him and never let go and everyone could tell that he felt the same way. Caroline realized that her hand was inches away from his face and went to put it down but he caught it before she did and placed it on the side of his face holding it there like he knew she had intended to do sending a small jolt through them when they touched. She always liked to rub the side of his face when she was little mostly when she was tired; Klaus realized he missed that smiling as her thumb lightly ran across his cheek and her nails scraped against his beard as he turned and lightly smelled her palm letting his lips graze it. The others stood staring silently in awe of the interaction but no one interrupted they could all sense her confusion as she dropped her hand; her memories pushing at the barrier in her head giving her a slight ache but she ignored it. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me"

"You never have be sorry love... Shall we dine?" he asked extending his hand elated when she accepted and when they touched another small shock went through them. Kol escorted Bonnie, Rebekah and Elijah hung back watching Klaus and Caroline. "What just happened Elijah? She used to do that when she was a little girl but she can't remember that" Rebekah whispered softly so no one heard. "I don't know sister but he's happy, for the first time in a long time" he breathed. Dinner was surprisingly normal aside from Rebekah and Kol's arguing about him hitting on Bonnie. "Nikoli shamelessly flirting with Ms.Bennett is not polite please control yourself" Elijah scolded him. "Yes Father" he rolled his eyes. Klaus and Caroline were in a world of their own engaged in their own conversation. "What happened to Katherine?" Bonnie asked suddenly and all conversation ceased. "Katarina has returned to her holding cell" Klaus answered staring at Elijah. "Why? she helped you break the curse. It may not have happened when or how you intended but it did happen and she played her part so why punish her?" Caroline asked clearly upset.  "You don't know anything. None of this is any business of yours" and snapped at her. "When I made that deal it became my business Klaus; I want wanted to protect my friends and as of now that includes Katherine so let her out" Caroline screamed back shocking everyone. They stared each other down neither one wanting to give in "you said safe, not free" he said growled at her after a finding a loophole in her argument. "Cage the beast Niklaus, you can flash your fangs all you want I'm not fazed by it... Stop being what people expect and be who you are"

"This is who I am"

" If that lie makes you feel better then fine" she said softly reaching out slowly and placing her hand over his heart and the table gasped. "You can't hide behind that facade forever; it's too late, I see you" she whispered turning away and ignoring him for the rest of dinner. 

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