Part 24

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A little later Matt came to give his condolences to Bonnie as did Lucy. "May I ask what did you do to Esther? She literally withered away" Stefan asked. Bonnie told them that a spirit spoke to her and told her what to say and that the chant stripped Esther of the eternal life spell that Ayana had placed on her all those years ago and transferred it. "So I have officially stopped aging. I'm still mortal and I have my power and Esther's along with the knowledge of all of her spells"

"So you're the Klaus of witches?" Matt asked making everyone laugh. The atmosphere lightened and was seemingly normal while they sat around getting drunk. "Can I kill Damon now?" Klaus asked Caroline who was sitting in his lap. "I think I should get to kill Damon" Kol said. "No one is killing anyone" Bonnie yelled cutting off the argument "it won't bring her or grams back and he's Stefan's only family. We let Jeremy and Ms.Lockwood go so let's not go back on that and turn into them" she said giving Kol a pouty face and Caroline did the same to Klaus who sighed loudly. "I will learn to say no to you one day love" he smirked kissing her forehead. It had been nearly a week since Abby's death so Bonnie decided she wanted a very private ceremony for her mother with just them and her father; they also invited Matt and Caroline's mom after telling her the truth about why she suddenly moved out and she was very upset with herself for tracking Abbey down. The funeral was going to be held in the garden of the Mikaelson mansion and Abbey was to be buried underneath a huge Willow tree on the edge of the property instead of the town graveyard. "Are you going to be okay today sweetheart" Kol asked zipping her dress for her. Not wanting to live with her father anymore Caroline, Rebekah and Katarina begged her to move into the mansion; after having nightmares sleeping alone in grams house she agreed. And though Caroline's mom knew the truth she stayed too, they were happy there. "I know it's harsh to say but one is better than seven. I lost my mother but I have you, Care and everyone else" she breathed. "I love you Bonnie"

"I love you too Kol"

Everyone met in the foyer then walked through the garden to the gravesite together. Bonnie's dad did most of the talking since he knew her best and everyone stood up afterward even if only to thank her for their lives. Bonnie was in tears at the sight of the headstone Kol had gotten "Loving Mother and Savior" she said reading it aloud. A growl escaped Kol's throat and he suddenly sped off with Elijah and Klaus "Oh shit" Kat said shaking her head. "What's happening?" Bonnie asked confused since she couldn't hear what everyone else could. "How did they even know?" Caroline said speeding off with Stefan saying someone need to mediate. Bonnie saw red when Rebekah and Kat told her that Ric, Tyler, Elena and Damon had come after finding out from Bonnie's dad about the funeral. "Honey they're your friends"

"They aren't my friends... They're the reason Abbey's dead" she said through clenched teeth. Bonnie took off running toward the house with Matt, Sheriff Forbes and her father behind her and Rebekah and Kat sped ahead. "She doesn't want you here which is why you weren't invited, I don't care about the doppleganger being turned LEAVE!"

"Elena's a vampire?" Bonnie said breathing heavily catching the end of Kol's statement. "Enzo snapped her neck but she had my blood in her system when she died" Damon said. "So what you interrupt her mother's funeral who you killed by the way hoping we'd take pity on you because Elena turned! So now they're supposed to go back to being your friend out of sympathy... God you're a vampire and you're still pathetic Elena" Rebekah spat. Damon, Tyler and Elena all fell to the ground suddenly screaming in pain, bleeding from every orifice "what part of stay away from me didn't you understand" she screamed. "My grams is dead and now my mom is dead because you nearly killed the only family I have left..."

"Bonnie love look at me" Kol said standing right in front of her but she continued. "Don't be them Bon you're better, you and Caroline have made us all better. Don't become what we used to be, killing them won't bring Abbey and Grams back" he whispered pulling her into a hug once the screaming stopped. "Forever is a very long time so maybe we'll forgive you one day but for now just go away. Bonnie and I won't always be there to keep Klaus and Kol from ripping your hearts out" Caroline said. "Stefan I'm your brother and Tyler is your brother Vampire Barbie, we just want to fix --" before Damon finished Caroline snapped his neck then plunged her hand into Elena's chest grabbing her heart. "Today is about Bonnie and Bonnie doesn't want you here so pick that up and leave or next time I'll kill you all myself" Caroline snapped motioning to Damon's body after letting her go.

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