Part 21

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 "We have to do something, Bonnie is there a spell?" Damon asked only to be thrown to the ground in pain as Bonnie fried his brain. "Bonnie stop we have to do something they have Jeremy, he's all I have" Elena cried. "And if he dies it'll be be all your fault. I help you free Jeremy and you get to keep your family but I lose Kol and Caroline; I've already lost grams because of you and now you've brought my mom into this" Bonnie yelled. "You guys abandoned us! We've know each other for years, you don't know them"

"How dare you! The reason I gravitated to them when they got here is because I knew them before all of this" Caroline snapped. "This necklace that I've always worn I got for my 9th birthday... K, E & R stands for Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah" she snapped. "That's not possible" Tyler commented. "It's true. I saw Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah's memories... Caroline met them when she was 7" Bonnie said telling them a condensed version of the story "Klaus hid her memories to protect her all this time, they came back for Caroline, you just happened to be here too"

"We can find a way to undo it" Damon suggested. "Esther is channeling both me and my mom, I can't help you undo it. We'll help you look and if this works when this is over stay away from us... Far away" Bonnie spat leaving with Caroline.

Bonnie and Caroline went to grams house where Abby was staying and dove into the story of what had happened. "I didn't know Bonnie and I'm sorry to you Caroline" she said teary eyed. She agreed to look through the grimores to find a way to undo the linking spell, Lucy stayed to help. Bonnie and Caroline went to the Mikaelson Mansion, if this was their last day they wanted to spend it together. Klaus compelled Jeremy and Ms. Lockwood to stay in Katarina's apartment and they decided to have a movie night. In their pajamas they pushed the couch back together grabbed pizza, popcorn, blood and bourbon then settled on watching a comedy to take their mind off of what was to come. They decided it was best not to let Esther know that they knew and promised not to talk about it for the rest of the night; Kol chose to watch The Heat first. Curious about the sound of genuine laughter filling the house Esther quietly ventured downstairs with Finn on her heels silently looking into the theater. She was stunned at the sight of her children with their mates, especially Klaus and Kol; they looked the way she remembered them... Young and Carefree. "Would you like to join us?" Elijah asked pausing the movie. "I heard unfamiliar voices; I was unaware we had guest" Esther said venturing farther into the room. "Oh my... You're with the Petrova doppleganger; Elena is it?" she breathed. "I'm actually Katarina Petrova" Kat said extending her hand. Esther moved to Rebekah "Lorenzo" he said shaking her hand before she moved on. "Caroline" she said but Esther did not release her quickly. "You have a beautiful heart Caroline and an aura that radiates joy and happiness... You are good for Niklaus" she smiled moving on. "My dear Nikoli who is this?"

"Bonnie Bennett" Bonnie introduced herself and when their hands touched a small shock went through them both. "You are extremely powerful to be so young Ms. Bennett, much more powerful than your mother"

"You know my mother?" Bonnie asked keeping up the charade; Ester only nodded. "I'm glad my children have found such wonderful mates" she smiled leaving the room with Finn. Not letting the interruption faze them they resumed the movie and followed it up with Grown Ups and Grown Ups 2 until they all passed out together in the theater. "Are you having second thoughts mother?" Finn asked after they'd found everyone drunk and passed out the next morning. "I just wish some of them could be saved. Caroline has been a vampire for almost three years and has never once killed a human"

"Never?" Finn asked in awe. "Her humanity catches like wildfire, everyone in this house drinks from blood bags instead of humans. Nikoli and Niklaus are in love... They've all found their humanity, but what's done is done. My life has been spared for 1000 years for one purpose and that is to stop the evil I created and I intend to tonight. We can finally know peace"

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