Part 17

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They decided to change into pajamas and go to the theater room in the basement and watch a movie to give Klaus and Caroline some kind of privacy since they couldn't leave. Klaus found Caroline in his room curled into a ball on his bed crying softly and it hurt him to see but he wasn't sure what to say without upsetting her more. The scene reminded him of the day the met in the woods, she was hurting then and he realized what Katarina meant. Klaus kicked off his shoes before climbing into the bed pulling her back to his chest "I'm so sorry love" he whispered stroking her hair lightly. Caroline turned to look at him teary eyed as he kissed all over her face not knowing where the gesture came from. "I'm sorry I let you down. I left to protect you, as soon as I ended my father I should have returned but because of my selfishness--"

"Don't do that. You can't blame yourself for what happens to me, you did protect me, you took away everything I knew about the supernatural world and I still ended up in the middle of it. I'm a vampire now, my best friends are vampires and witches... I'm not your responsibility Klaus"

"Yes you are, whether you want to be or not love. No matter what ventures I was participating in I thought of you every night; I tried to imagine what you looked like. That sounds creepy but it wasn't like that, I missed hearing about your day and watching the stars, telling you stories. It brought me peace." Klaus loosened his grip when he felt her pulling away but she only gave herself enough room to look into his eyes. "So am I still just 9 year old little Caroline to you? A little sister that you feel the need to protect" she whispered slightly upset that he didn't feel the way she did. "I will always protect you but not because I think you're a little girl, it'll be because I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you. When I thought you were dead today I died too and when we kissed--. When I saw you for the first time when I came back I wanted to hold you and never let you go again but I thought that you only saw a monster and I didn't want to taint your image of me. I didn't give your memories back right away because I didn't want you know that the person you remember wasn't who you thought he was"

"You are exactly who I remember, sure you killed my friend but you were cursed and it was the only way to break it. You were abused as a child so you were conditioned to think that violence was the only way to get what you wanted. Yes you daggered your family for centuries at a time but you didn't do it to be spiteful, you thought you were protecting them. A man who was selfless enough to put aside his own happiness and compelled away a little girl's memories to protect her"

"I promise I won't kill Damon and I'll make sure the others agree but this is strike two love; one more and I'll torture him for eternity in every way I know he fears until he begs for death. Besides love, after tonight's performance I could never think of you that way again" Klaus whispered and a smile spread across her face at the thought of him caring for her that much. "Can we stay like this; just for tonight" Caroline asked tangling her legs with his and laying her head on his chest. "We can stay like this forever love... May I?" he asked leaning in for a kiss. She smiled meeting him the rest of the way this kiss full of love and they held each other for the rest of the night.

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