Part 22

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Damon, Tyler, Ric and Elena spent the entire night going through grimores with Abby and Lucy looking for a way to stop Esther but kept coming up empty handed. "If Esther is channeling the Bennett line through you and Bonnie can't you two just cut her off?" Tyler asked Abbey. "If it were that simple Bonnie and I would have done that already; the only way to cut her off is to completely break the line. One of us would have to die, or be stripped of our magic" she said returning to her book. "What the hell did you do now Damon! Care and Bonnie were in tears when they called" Stefan asked coming into the house startling the others. "They wouldn't tell me what happened over the phone but I'm sure this is your fault" he said struggling to contain himself. "So we're all dead then... Elena you deserve everything that has and will ever happen to you. You two deserve each other" he spat after Abby explained. Stefan then left for the Mikaelson's where he knew he'd find Caroline and Bonnie.

Caroline and Bonnie rose before the others and decided to make breakfast for everyone. "What's wrong Bon" Caroline asked when she heard her friend sniffing quietly. "I can't lose you Care... You, Kol and the others are all I have" she cried on Caroline's shoulder. Caroline held back her own tears knowing she had to be strong for her friend no matter how much it hurt; she'd lost her grandmother and now she was in danger of losing her best friend and boyfriend. "Focus on the positive Bon, you've finally got your mom is back"

"Yea she comes back and kills everyone I love in less than 24 hours... I love all of you guys, even Klaus but don't tell him I said so" she giggled. "Vampire hearing Bon Bon" Klaus said pulling both girls into a hug. The others filtered into the kitchen witnessing the scene and the mood was dense as everyone took turns hugging Bonnie and it got worse when Stefan joined them. "You came back!" Care said hugging Stefan tightly. "Of course I did. If I only have 24 hours to live I'm gonna spend it with my four favorite girls" he laughed. They ate together in silence after Esther and Finn joined them then showered, changed and headed out to try and have a normal last day together. They stopped by to see Abby and Lucy who told them that they were no closer to finding an answer crushing their spirits even more. Not wanting to end things on a bad note Elijah released Jeremy and Ms.Lockwood compelling them to forget what had happened. They went to the movies, took a walk around the park telling stories and then sat drinking at the waterfall. Later they helped Caroline pack all of her things from her house and move it into the mansion, she then left a letter at her house for her mother saying that she had run away with Klaus and not to look for because she didn't have the heart to say goodbye. While they were at the grill saying goodbye to Matt Elena, Damon, Tyler and Ric came in and Elena thanked them for releasing Jeremy and Carol but were ignored. "We know how to stop Esther from channeling the Bennett bloodline and finishing the linking spell" Damon said causing everyone to turn and face him. Damon told him what Abby had said earlier and hope filled Bonnie. "Turn me" she said to Kol who looked horrified. "Bonnie you're the most power Bennett witch there has ever been, the most powerful witch in the world; you'd lose your magic, I won't ask that of you" Kol said sadly. "You aren't asking I'm volunteering. I don't want to lose you guys; I would be alone!"

"You'd have me and Jeremy and Ric"

"Shut up you selfish bitch! What part of we're finished don't you understand. How could I even tolerate you knowing that you killed everyone I love" she snapped. "Care, Kat and Bekah are my sisters, I love Kol, and Klaus is actually really sweet and Elijah is secretly funny but you wouldn't know that. We all take care of each other instead of having to constantly risk our lives for one damn person"

"She's trying to help Bonnie you don't have to make her feel worse than she already does" Tyler spoke up pulling Elena into a hug. "What about how I feel? What about how Liz will feel when she comes home from work and finds a letter from her only daughter saying she ran away and never to look for? She wanted us back under her thumb, Team Protect Elena" she said crying in Kol's arms. "Elena is it true?" Matt said staring at her. "I didn't mean for this to happen Matt" she sniffed but Matt walked away. "Do you feel that" Klaus said suddenly breathing heavily. Picking up a knife he pricked his finger then Kol, Rebekah and Elijah all held out their hand and their fingers had been pricked as well. "Shit it's starting!" Damon panicked. "Kol do it turn me now!" Bonnie plead with him. "I'll do it" Damon volunteered. "I'll kill you where you stand Damon!" Kol snapped. "I love you too much to do that to you Bonnie and that would mean the end of the Bennett witch line. The time we had together meant the world to me" he whispered cupping her face and kissing her gently as did Elijah and Kat and Klaus and Caroline. "It's been fun Enzo but if I'm going to die I want it to be in the arms of the one I really love" Rebekah sadly before grabbing Stefan and smashing her lips to his. "Screw this" Damon spat running out of the grill. "He's gonna kill her! He's gonna kill your mother Bon!" 

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