Part 25

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 Klaus and Kol took Bonnie and Caroline inside and the others made sure their uninvited guest left before joining them for a drink. Sheriff Forbes and Bonnie's dad left after both tried to convince their daughters to move back home with no success, Matt stayed well into the night. "Since everyone is off for spring break I think a vacation is in order, getting out of town for a few days will be good for everyone especially for the new additions to our family. I do know that being with us has been trying" Elijah suggested and they all agreed. "After so much stress it'll be good to get away Bon" Kol nudged and Caroline would only go if she did; surprisingly she quickly agreed. Bonnie and Caroline wanted to go somewhere hot where they could swim and tan and were elated that Stefan and even Matt were coming. After juggling between Florida, California and Hawaii they finally settled on Hawaii since Matt, Bonnie and Caroline wanted to learn to surf. "So Rebekah, Stefan do tell us what the plan is now that we aren't dying" Klaus asked putting on his serious face. "You know I've always loved Stefan brother" Rebekah said sternly. "I won't hurt her Klaus" Stefan said hugging her from behind. "Fine, I trust she'll kill you herself if you do" he smirked and kissed Caroline's hair. With no sign of Enzo after he killed Elena and with everyone well past tipsy they split up and went to bed; even Matt stayed the night. Caroline paused in front of the door that held all her stuff since she'd basically moved into the mansion. She smiled when she realized that it was right next to Klaus' room but couldn't help but wish she could join him but she didn't want to be needy. "Something wrong love?" he said coming up the stairs stopping beside her. "Nothing"

"You're a horrible liar" he smirked. "What are you doing there?" he asked motioning to the door. "This is where we put my stuff, isn't this where I sleep?" He chuckled and grabbed her hand pulling her into his room where she saw that all her things had been moved there and put away in the closet and drawers. She smiled so hard she thought her face would crack "I thought you'd be more comfortable in this room"

"Really! I didn't want to smother you or seem needy" she blushed. "I told you I would never let you go, I've waited 1000 years for you Caroline" she leaned in and placed a kiss on his lips then rushed to their bathroom to change into her pajamas.

Bonnie was in awe when she opened she and Kol's door and found candles lit everywhere. Kol scooped her off her feet and took her into the bathroom where he'd drawn a bath for her. "What's all this?" she asked while he took off her shoes. "You've had a quite a day today, I just wanted to do something nice for you" he kissed her cheek and closed the door. Bonnie sat thinking about the past few years and never imagined that she would be living in a mansion with a 1000 year old vampire for a boyfriend, her best friends are vampires, she's a witch... but she happy. After getting out she put on some boy shorts and a tank and went into the room where Kol instructed her to lay on her stomach and massaged her feet and legs then straddled her lifted her shirt and did her shoulders and back. "You are amazing thank you" she whispered sleepily when it was over. "You're amazing" he whispered kissing her forehead.

Gotta love KENNETT right... Like Klaus and Caroline's potential was blown to hell on TVD/TO (I have hope but still) Bonnie and Kol I think would have been epic ***SAD FACE***

ANYWHO that is still not the surprise ship I promised... Soon Loves


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