Part 8

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The four girls spent the afternoon in and out of shops to find Rebekah a dress "how do you manage to look fabulous with these choice of shops Caroline, for prom I'm taking you to LA for our dresses" Rebekah laughed. They finally found Rebekah's dress and shoes "you can get dressed at my house if you'd like, Bonnie you too" Rebekah suggested and they were both elated when she agreed. The three girls dressed, did hair and make-up together and were shocked when the got outside and Elijah had Klaus' truck to drive them. The dance was in full swing and Elena was with Stefan or Damon at all times "I want you both to know that tonight will be trying for everyone. I'm thankful for today and Care I consider you my sister all over again and Bonnie I hope we remain friends but I want to give you a fair warning. I can't go against Niklaus he'd dagger me forever if he got this close and I betrayed him. If it comes to an altercation I stand with my brother no matter how wrong he is and I'm sorry in advance" Rebekah said nearly in tears and Caroline and Bonnie pulled her into a group hug. "So are we and I'm sorry I judged you Rebekah. I'd like to remain friends too" Bonnie smiled. "What do you mean he'll dagger you?" Bonnie asked. Rebekah told her of the spelled daggers and white ash that could put an original into a deep sleep and that he sometimes daggered them for decades at a time. The dance was going beautifully until Damon strolled over with a smug grin "so evil blonde, your brother isn't here to take Elena yet and the dance is almost over. Did the power of friendship change his mind?"

"Damon where's Elena?" Stefan asked coming to join them. "She is supposed to be with you!" he yelled. The two spread out to look for her and came up empty handed, she wasn't in the school; they searched the waterfall finding it empty then went to her house also finding nothing. They all later found her at the boarding house in the clothes she'd worn earlier that day instead of her dress. "How could this have happened?" Stefan said checking her pulse. "Ms. Gilbert will be fine" Elijah said from a dark corner and Rebekah sped to his side. "The sacrifice is done and Elena will wake good as new" he said smiling at Caroline who returned it after confirming everything went as planned. "What did you do blondie?" Damon said enraged grabbing Caroline by the throat slamming her into the wall but was quickly on the ground after being stopped by Elijah and Rebekah. "I have no quarrels with you but if you ever lay a hand on Caroline again I will end your life" Elijah snapped pushing her behind him. "Caroline saved you all, you should be thanking her" Rebekah added. Caroline asked them to sit and told them what she had done.

The Plan as told by Caroline

Elijah came to me and said he had a way for Klaus to complete the sacrifice and save Elena and gave his word that in doing so I could protect everyone; so I went along with it. Klaus has Kathrine in a cell in his basement, she is in love with Elijah so Klaus made a deal with her that if she remained his prisoner for 500 years he would pardon her and they could be together. He even agreed to take off 100 years if she helped him so we swapped them; you two have been with Katherine all day and Elena has been with Elijah. If you had interfered with Klaus' plan he would have killed you so we let you think that you had Elena the entire time.

"How could you Caroline! you sold out your friend, tell her Bonnie" Damon screamed. "I knew too. Caroline told me and Elena earlier today and who do you think did the spell to link them together and made Katherine seem human? We all agreed it was a good plan and you two would have only ruined it" Bonnie said shaking her head. Stefan remained silent at Elena's side not saying anything but everyone noticed that he couldn't stop staring at Rebekah. "Ms. Bennett, Ms. Forbes my brother is requesting your presence for dinner as a thank you for your assistance" after agreeing Elijah left but not without leaving one final threat to Damon to leave both girls alone. Hours later Elena woke up thankful to Bonnie and Caroline for what they had done though Damon still didn't agree. Caroline went home showered and changed and slept well that night knowing that everything was finally okay.

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