Part 4

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It had been days since Elena's abducting and everyone was on edge now they that they were sure the originals were coming. They along with their friend and vampire hunter Ric had come up with a plan for killing Klaus when he arrived. "We have to kill him before he becomes a hybrid" was all anyone talked about and it exhausted her. Caroline left the boarding house mentally drained they were all scared because no one knew what the originals looked like; and lately all she could think about was the man she'd met days before. She toyed with the necklace that held the locket she always wore, she'd never known where she got it or who K, E &R were but it felt special. She never took it off "Hello Caroline" she was stunned that standing on her porch was the man in the suit. "My name is Elijah Mikaelson" he smiled holding out his hand. "Mikaelson... You're an original" she said shaking his hand. He asked to talk with her so they stood on her porch "how did you know my name?"

"We have quite an interesting history" he said lifting his face to the sky. "The E is for Elijah isn't it. Do you know who K and R is then, I've never known where I got this necklace but you recognized it immediately"

"That story is not entirely mine to tell. You will learn of it's history when the time comes"

"What do you mean Elijah what's with the secret?"

"You will know soon enough. I came to warn you that my family is moving to Mystic Falls and times will be trying but I beg of you to keep an open mind and trust your heart when the time comes young Caroline"

"I will try... I won't make any promises Elijah"

"It's all I ask; We will speak again soon" he said kissing her knuckles and speeding away. Confused Caroline decided to head to the grill for a drink where Damon and Ric were draining the bar as usual. "Vampire Barbie to what do we owe the pleasure?"

"Damon you do know that calling me Barbie isn't an insult"

"She's got a point Damon" Ric added lifting his glass. "Dumbass" she rolled her eyes taking his bourbon and pouring herself a glass. "Watch it"

"Or what? I'm a black belt in both Muay Thai and Jiu Jitsu, I could kick your ass Salvawhore" she shrugged annoyed and left to head home got into her pajamas and went to bed thinking of Elijah's words. 

The next morning Caroline put on a pair of black jeggins, a white sleeveless tunic and her leather jacket with white heels then headed out to school. She felt a presence surrounding her but could never find the source, she trusted that Elijah would just come to her like he had before; the presence didn't feel threatening at all she almost welcomed it but she shook her thoughts away and drove to school. "Have you guys heard about the two new students" Stefan said the moment he walked up with Elena tucked under his arm. "What about them?" Bonnie asked with a raised eyebrow. "Rebekah and Nikoli Mikaelson" Stefan whispered making the connection. "Alright so it's game on" Caroline said surprising everyone as she boldly walked away. They all took note to how she'd changed since she became a vampire; she was confident, stronger than any normal vampire her age because of her martial arts training and she was unusually cut throat. Caroline was a little softer when it came to them but she's tear another vampire's heart out without blinking when crossed. Caroline was also the only vampire they'd ever known to have never killed a human being; being a extreme control freak had it's advantages when it came to vampirism. "Excuse me I wasn't pay attention" Caroline apologised when she bumped into a tall blonde and just like with Elijah she was captivated feeling like she should know the girl and she could tell the feeling was mutual. "I'm Caroline Forbes" 

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