Part 40

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David and Devin were allowed to stay at the mansion while Caroline and Katarina called Klaus and Elijah to come home. Nadia and Matt stayed at his house for the night; having not gotten far Elijah and Klaus were back within the hour and filled in on what the twins had told the others. "The Gemini Coven is called the spirits witches; individually they are common which is why they stay together chaneling one another. They are charged with keeping what balance they can... thus prison worlds were created for creatures who threatened the balance" Elijah told them. "How do we stop this kid from getting into the prison world" Klaus asked pouring himself a drink. "We can't kill him, the coven would fall apart because he technically is the next coven leader since we're vampires. When twins are born in the coven they share magic, in order to determine the next coven leader they basically have a siphoning battle and which ever twin completely siphons and kills the other wins. Jo got all of their magic but Kai is the only one of them who can siphon so it would have been unfair"

"Why not put Kai in the prison world in the first place?" Klaus cut in silencing David who only stared at his brother. "The prison world itself is made up of magic, Kai could siphon the magic holding the entire thing together causing it to collapse and he'd get out. After they were considered defective their family had another set of twins but Kai wanted to be coven leader so he killed them and tried to siphon Jo... We were born to a different family afterward. With a powerful enough witch he can be stripped of his ability to siphon magic from others, they tried and couldn't. If Bonnie can then we can swap him for his sister" Devin concluded. They sat in silence taking the information in everyone occasionally glancing at Bonnie and Kat who were in now danger. "What if he siphons Bonnie?" Caroline asked breaking the silence. "I don't know what it is about the Bennett blood line and their magic but we can't touch it, he could try but it wouldn't work" Devin shrugged. "Okay since we already know Bonnie isn't taking him to the prison world to kill his sister we have to think ahead... How do we find Silas?"

"What!" Kat screamed looking at Caroline like she'd gone mad. "If we get to the cure first then Kai can't make you human and can't wake Silas so how do we find him?" Caroline asked shocking everyone with her logic. They needed to find one of the five; Quetsiyah's hunters, and a Bennett witch. "It's impossible to find a true hunter these days" Klaus sighed loudly. "Locator Spell, Bonnie is a descendant of Qetsiyah and it's Quetsiyah's blood that binds the five together, she should be able to find a hunter" Kat chipped in making everyone's head snap in her direction. "What, who do think sent that hunter after you" she shrugged smiling at Klaus. Calling it night they decided to rest before continuing especially with the eclipse coming that weekend but Bonnie sat awake for awhile turning all the information she'd gotten over in her head. "I won't let anything happen to you Bon" Kol whispered in her ear before kissing her shoulder. "This isn't like it was before with Elena, you said it yourself we look out for each other and no one wants to see you hurt" he added pulling her into his chest to sleep. 

"If I asked you to stay out of it would you?"

"Of course not, I can't abandon Bonnie" Caroline said shocked Klaus would even asked that question. "This is bound to be extremely dangerous love, hunters are lethal; I don't want anything to happen to you" he whispered stroking her hair softly as she laid across his bare chest. "We're a family, we stick together; you aren't alone anymore Klaus. I'm not leaving you" she placed a kiss over his heart before capturing his lips as she rolled over straddling his hips as he ripped off her shirt. "Seriously... You're gonna owe me a new wardrobe that's like the fifth shirt you've ripped" she giggled as he rolled them over again. "Anything you want love" he growled out stripping off the rest of her clothes.

"Five hundred years on the run, Caroline get's my brother to spare your life only to have fate take you from me once again" Elijah sighed lying on his back. "We have two hybrids, my brain, and the most powerful witch alive on our side; we'll be okay" Kat smiled innocently knowing it would make him laugh. "I wouldn't dare let myself get killed now; I have you, Nadia, friends... Klaus is my friend" she laughed pulling his shirt over his head placing kisses on his shoulders and chest. "I'm not going anywhere" she whispered pulling him into a heated kiss as she freed them of their clothes. "I promise I'll be fine, I promise" she breathed sliding herself onto him. Feeling his hesitation she took the lead taking his mind off of the issues at hand which wasn't hard. A hand wound tightly in her hair as he deepened the kiss making her moan as she enjoyed the stinging in her scalp. Elijah flipped them over pinning her hands as he picked up the pace roughly thrusting himself to hilt, Kat managed to free a hand and grabbed him by the throat making them roll again landing her on top but Elijah had her up and pinned to the wall in the next second their new position increasing their euphoria as moans turned to screams completely lost in each other. Feeling her walls around him tighten he roughly yanked her head to the side sinking his fangs into her neck and she did the same as they collapsed back onto the bed heaving. "I hate to say this because it goes against my moral code but if it comes down to it and there has to be a sacrifice so be it"

"What are you saying Elijah" Katarina said wide eyed. "I'm saying that if there is no other option another perfectly good doppleganger in Mystic Falls" he smirked pulling her into a bloody kiss. "I love you Elijah"

"I love you Katarina, Always and Forever"


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