Part 49

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Jeremy stood over Finn's casket armed with a white oak stake ready to strike. "Kol won't let Bonnie help after this" Jeremy sighed trying to weigh his options. "She won't have a choice Jer trust me" Kai smiled. "Dammit Jeremy your sister's life is at stake kill him!" Damon snapped. Taking a deep breath Jeremy closed his eyes and plunged the dagger into Finn's chest then stood watching his body burn before fleeing with Kai and Damon.

After securing the wolves the others returned home and they immediately picked up Kai, Damon and Jeremy's scent and fled to the basement to check on Matt, Klaus and Caroline who were all right where they were left. Klaus and Caroline's wolves were calmly nuzzling one another in the corner and Matt was pacing his cell. After Bonnie released him they all stood silently as Kol and Rebekah gazed upon their brother's body. "Bonnie! Bon what's wrong!" Stefan yelled getting everyone's attention. Her eyes had turned and glazed over like she was in a trance. The called to her but she never responded she just stood quietly chanting to herself before she passed out. Leaving Kol to grieve Stefan and Kat took her to bed, Nadia and Matt went off to themselves to try Katarina and Elijah again.

Elijah and Katarina returned by dawn as Klaus and Caroline shifted back to their human forms. Though Finn was no one's favorite he was apart of their family and they mourned him. Bonnie woke hours later but was distant; she showered and dressed quickly before heading out. Kol followed her to the Salvatore boarding house where he stayed silent listening in on their plans to use Jeremy to find Silas. Kol burst into the house snapping Damon's neck before snatching off Kai's bracelet containing Devin and Davids's magic and pinning Kai to the wall by the throat. "What the hell Bon you're helping them!" Kol yelled watching the confusion cross her face. "The hunter's curse has been activated. Now that the mark is complete the Bennett blood in her veins will force her to carry out Quetsiyah's wish. We're finding and waking Silas" Kai laughed. "Snap out of it Bon you can't help him" Kol pleaded shaking her shoulders lightly but she was gone. The door flew open and Kol was thrown out of it and into a tree. Kol raced home and told the others of Bonnie being cursed and forced into helping Kai leaving them stunned and unsure of what to do until Klaus spoke up. "The witch wants Silas dead and so do we, if we can't avoid waking him we may as well help kill him. We'll still win, Kai can't get into the prison world and Silas can't lift the veil and raise the dead" Klaus paced whie everyone took in his words. "He's right and it's the only way to be sure Bonnie will be safe when this is over" Caroline added. They all agreed and went to the boarding house minus Nadia and Matt and met by and angry Damon and amused Kai when they offered to help. Bonnie activated the man and the all headed out leaving Elena locked in the cell hallucinating until they returned. They took a flight then stole a boat ending up on an island outside of Nova Scotia where they rested after a long journey. "So how does this work exactly? The witch wants Silas dead but Kai wants him alive, Damon wants the cure for Elena but we need it to make Silas mortal again... and the psyhco siphoner has to know that so how does he think this will work?" Katarina asked. "I say to her with the Gemini's and kill him, they've lost their twins and he isn't getting into the prison world" Klaus said defiantly and the others seriously considered it. "Do you hear that?" Caroline asked jumping to her feet with a panicked expression. "Mom!" she screamed. "Nothing's there love"

"Mom!" Caroline screamed again before taking off with Klaus behind her as she ran. "Nadia! Nadia where are you!?" Kat screamed running in the opposite direction with Elijah chasing her. "It's this place, it's messing with us we need to get this done and get out of here" Koll yelled not sure who to chase. "Mother"

"Stefan don't, it isn't real!" Rebekah yelled pinning him to the ground glad she was stronger than he was but he fought hard. "She's here, she came back for me"

"Stefan stop!" she screamed pained by the hurt on his face; seeing no other option she snapped his neck then took his body back to their campsite where she found Kol flashing around the area. "Their gone... Bonnie, Kai, Jeremy and Damon are all gone DAMMIT!" he screamed kicking a hole through a near by tree. "We have to stop them, Lijah and Nik can take care of themselves but we have to stop Kai" Rebekah said picking up the scent and racing off with Kol.

This is unedited... I will go back and fix it later :)

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