Part 27

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Caroline woke in the most comfortable bed she'd ever been in and stretched, an arm tightened around her waist and she turned to see Klaus sleeping peacefully. Sliding out of the bed she realized they weren't on the plane anymore and in a beautiful room but she didn't remember how she got there. The view from the patio was breathtaking as she took it all in, the house was right on the beach. Caroline showered and changed into a strapless sun dress and some flip flops then wandered around until she found the kitchen putting on coffee and starting breakfast. "Morning Caroline"

"Nadia call me Care" she smiled. Nadia cut up fruit while Caroline made pancakes, Rebekah, Bonnie and Katarina came in finding the two giggling later. "How did we get here?" Bonnie asked. "I guess they brought us, no wonder they're all so tired, it should be breakfast in bed for them. Nadia do you mind taking Matt's" Kat said noticing her blush. "You like Matt?" Caroline asked breaking the silence. "I feel-- I don't know what I feel for him" she said. "It was so weird when I saw him it felt like a bomb went off in my chest. I've never felt anything like it" she added grabbing the tray and leaving. Nadia opened Matt's door and saw him stir, he then sat up revealing his shirtless chest. "Morning I brought you breakfast" she said sitting the tray on his lap and sitting on the bed. "You didn't have to do this"

"You didn't have to carry me this morning" she laughed. "You were sleeping peacefully and I didn't want to wake you" he said taking a bite of fruit then offering her some which she took. She got up to leave he stopped her "You're welcomed to stay Nadia" he smiled and she accepted so they spent the morning together. Everyone decided to relax their first day, they bar b qued, drank and laid by the pool getting to know Nadia. Caroline's phone rang showing her mother's name and she answered annoyed that it was Elena and Damon calling from her house because they knew she wouldn't answer them. "I think something happened to Matt, he didn't go back to work yesterday then all of a sudden the clearly compelled manager said he had the week off. We checked his house and Tyler's he's just gone!" she went on and everyone but Bonnie and Matt burst into laughter at her rant since they'd been listening. "This isn't funny blondie Matt could be in serious danger" Damon added and they all laughed harder. Caroline put her phone on speaker while they continued to rattle off of the people they think would have taken him. "Are you gonna help us or not?" Jeremy said clearly frustrated. "Sure I'll help you... Matt! Elena wants to know if you're in danger?" she asked and everyone laughed again. "Matt's with you!"

"Yea, they invited me to come on vacation with them for spring break, they're good people Elena and I'm completely fine; I'm having fun" he yelled so she'd hear him.

"Matt is fine, we are on vacation in Maui and you are interrupting" Kat yelled.

"You all went to Maui!"

"Yes, Maui. Stefan is with us too for your information so don't call me looking for him; we'll be back in a week" Caroline added before hanging up. "You're girlfriend?" Nadia asked pulling away from him. "No she isn't, she's just a friend we've known each other a long time" he smiled pulling her back to their previous position. "Matt what is about you that attracts hot vampire girls like magnets" Bonnie giggled and he shrugged and continued talking to Nadia who was laid across his chest. "Surfing tomorrow guys, I didn't come all the way here to not at least see the pipeline" Matt interrupting the talk of shopping and they agreed. After lounging around poolside for a while Kol took Bonnie to see the Kula Botanical Garden and Klaus and Caroline went hiking with Stefan and Rebekah at Halekala National Park so Stefan could hunt. After declining to go out with her mother and Elijah Nadia found Matt on his balcony "did you not want to go out today" she asked joining him. "I'm just taking it all in. I'm a small town guy who never even dreamed of going anywhere, let alone Maui. How am I supposed to go home after this" he laughed shaking his head. "Don't. Travel, see the world.... Learn to surf, skydive, do what you want; live for yourself" she said softly. "I don't know what I want anymore. I used to want to just live my life with my friends, settle down and die in the community that I had grown up in but now I look at Care and Bonnie who once upon a time were just like me finding themselves in ways I never thought possible. It's like they had to die to live and this made me realize that I've only been existing, not living... I don't want safe anymore I want risk and adventure--"

"Then let me show you the world" Nadia interrupted him pulling him into a heated kiss...

SOOOOOOOOOO... NADIA and MATT have joined in on the fun!!!


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