Part 35

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Prom was nearing quickly and after a committee meeting the girls were shocked to see Sheriff Forbes at the mansion with Elijah and Klaus. "What's going on here?" Caroline asked first not sure what to think. They were working with Sheriff Forbes to issue a curfew the following weekend "Everyone needs to be in their home and off the streets, businesses will have to close or innocent people will be killed" Katherine added. There was to be a total eclipse and during that time all the werewolves in town would be forced to turn and during the eclipse they wouldn't have much control over themselves. "Can't we lock them all up?" Liz asked. "We can trap them in the woods" Bonnie suggested. They decided that luring them to a spelled area would be the safest for everyone vampire and human. "Tyler and Hayley are the pack leaders so we should sit down with them; they can either go willingly or we move them by force" Elijah stated and everyone agreed. After the meeting Sheriff Forbes left and the girls planned for their weekend trip to New York for dress shopping. "NO guys! This is a girls only weekend so suck it up" Rebekah yelled when Kol interrupted. "We're big girls. We have an original, two Petrova vampires, a hybrid and the most powerful witch on the planet we don't need escorts" Kat agreed. After a few minutes of pleading and promising to check in the girls won their argument. "We should do masks too" Caroline suggested. "I mean Elena and Kat waltzing around is bound to confuse the hell out of everyone" she added. "Speaking of Waltz I think since it is Phantom of the Opera/ Masquerade we have to do the Waltz" Bekah said excitedly. "I do not know how to do that" Bonnie laughed and Nadia said she didn't either "Kol and Matt can teach you guys" Caroline scoffed. "This is like our party so we have to be the hottest ones there; I mean Princess Grace of Monaco hot"

"I second that!" Kat added. They planned out their trip then Katarina and Nadia helped Bonnie with the senior slideshow while Rebekah and Caroline walked around the house going over the decorating scheme.

The weekend came quickly and the Mikaelson girls as Kol liked to call them prepared for their weekend away. Once again Bonnie and Kol argued about her taking his credit card but again she lost, Klaus and Caroline spent the day together locked away in their room since she would be gone as did Elijah and Katarina; Matt and Nadia went on a real date before he had to work. Rebekah and Stefan went out for a picnic. "Private jets, shopping and parties I'm so ready!" Caroline screamed kissing Klaus one last time before they left. "We have to go by the grill so Nadia can say bye to Matt before we leave" Bonnie yelled while they piled into the car waving goodbye. "So quarterback you banged Miss Mystic Falls, then the original blonde and now you're banging the evil doppleganger's daughter" Damon sneered when Matt came to the table where his old friends sat. "Can I get you guys anything?" he asked choosing to ignore the comment. "Bro we just want you to be okay, the originals and the Petrova's aren't the best crowd" Tyler added. "They're fine, normal even... We've all had awful moments and made mistakes but you can't hold it over someone forever. Don't you want Stefan, Bonnie and Caroline to forgive you all one day for what you did?" Matt snapped and Tyler and Elena looked to the floor. "I'm not leaving Nadia, Care isn't leaving Klaus and Bonnie isn't ditching Kol; the sooner you accept that like they all accepted that you cheated on Stefan with Damon then left him things will be much easier" he said walking away running right into Caroline who along with the others heard the conversation. "We're off to New York Matty we just came to say bye" she pouted hugging him tightly; he also hugged the others leaving Nadia for last. "Be safe Nadi" he whispered wrapping his arms around her waist. "Did you call her naughty?" Kat smirked. "No mother, he says Nah-D; he just doesn't pronounce the A" she giggled. "All of you be safe" Matt added looking at the rest of them. "Kiss your girlfriend so we can steal her. We're only going dress shopping... and partying" Bonnie laughed. "Miss you already" Nadia said kissing Matt softly until someone cleared their throat. Jeremy stepped around them taking a seat with Tyler, Elena, Damon and Hayley "you guess are going to New York for prom dresses... I wanna go" Hayley pouted playfully once Matt and Nadia parted. "Over my dead body!" Tyler snapped making her roll her eyes. Never looking their way the girls left heading for the airport for their weekend getaway.

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