Part 47

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The next morning Stefan and Katarina were prepping for Bonnie's spell while the others sent for Elena and Damon who they were going to let in on what was going on. "So a psychotic witch is trying to break into a prison world to kill his sister by raising an even crazier witch who wants to basically wants to raise the dead and to stop this you're teaming up with ancient hunters hell bent on killing us all" Damon said rolling his eyes and heading for the door. "We're leaving have fun and try not get killed" Damon chuckled but Caroline sped forward stopping he and Elena from leaving. "We all have to stick together Damon! Right now Kathrine and Stefan are getting ready to risk their lives to keep Mystic Falls safe--"

"Good for Stefan. Elena you agree with me don't you" but she stood silently the struggle evident. "Wow Damon still using that sire bond to your advantage" Klaus smirked "either agree to help us now or you're on your own" he added. "The safest place for us is far away from all of you; a big group of vampires will only draw attention" Elena said quietly speeding away. After saying their goodbyes Katarina went into town making sure to be seen while Rebekah and Stefan headed straight for Georgia. Kat took a deep breath when a incredibly hunter approached her hoping the spell worked "Hey, I'm new here and lost can you point me in the direction of the Mystic Grill?"

"I'll show you... I'm Elena" Kat said holding our her hand which he took. "Alexander" before they reached the grill Elijah appeared before them and Alex's expression turned hard. "Alex this is my friend Elijah" she smiled migrating to his side. Elijah turned as if compelling her "Elena we have a flight to catch remember" she smiled innocently and nodded taking his hand. "Forget you ever met Elena" Elijah spoke to Alex knowing he couldn't be compelled before speeding away. As predicted Conner contacted Bonnie asking her to meet him in the woods at his trailer, Klaus, Caroline and Kol followed once again staying in the trees. "We have a problem Bonnie, Rebekah and Elijah Mikaelson have been spotted" he said the second she joined him and Galen Vaughn. "Why is that a problem, haven't you been trying to find originals?"

"Alexander is trailing Elijah and the human Petrova Elena Gilbert, I'm heading to Georgia to keep an eye on Tom Avery" Galen said grabbing a bag jumping on his bike and speeding away. "There's something else, a potential new hunter" Conner added while they continued their conversation. "Elena Gilbert's brother could see my mark; he's a hunter who hasn't killed yet"

"Jeremy is a hunter?"

"Yea, which is perfect since he's in close contact with Katarina and Nadia Petrova and Damon Salvatore... The old boarding house is like vampire hotel" he smiled loading weapons into a bag. "You're going there now" Bonnie questioned hiding her panic knowing Klaus and Kol wouldn't go warn them. "We've never been this close before I have to take advantage" he shrugged saying goodbye. Bonnie immediately pulled out her phone trying to call Elena and Damon but got neither, she also called Nadia to make sure she stayed out of sight while the rest made their way back to the mansion now that their plans were falling into place. 

"Did I not try to be nice?" Kai seethed the moment they walked in. "David and Devin aren't very good liars and I thought we were on our way to being friends" he paced wildly. "So as punishment for your treachery I've buried your friend Matt alive somewhere in Mystic Falls, Galen will find that detaining Stefan and Rebekah will be much easier than he thought. David and Devin have already paid for their sins with their lives" Kai smirked as he left the house. Bonnie immediately got a map to locate Matt while the others tried to call back Elijah, Katarina, Stefan and Rebekah. "Why can't we just kill him?" Klaus growled pouring a drink. "With David and Devin dead he and Jo are the only possible coven leaders remaining. Without a leader they'll fall apart" Caroline answered downing her own drink. "He has to be cloaked I can't find him" Bonnie yelled repeatedly chanting with no results. Grabbing a shirt of his Caroline and Klaus sniffed it deeply taking in the scent before shedding their clothes and shifting to trace his scent; Nadia followed. "He doesn't know everything, he knows we were helping the hunters kill Silas but has no idea that we have Tom Avery... He lost Devin and David so he'd need new muscle and he sill needs a doppleganger" Kol thought aloud to himself. "Damon, Elena and Jeremy" Bonnie interrupted. "That's muscle, a doppleganger and a hunter"   

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