Part 38

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"Sire bond... How the hell do you even get that? God I swear only vampire Elena would get some rare wolf curse that nobody has ever heard of" Caroline sighed loudly. Klaus explained that because Elena was grateful to Damon for "saving her" she sired unknowingly herself to him. "So after getting us all killed for trying to keep her human she is so thankful to Damon for turning her she does what ever he says. Awesome" Caroline summed up. "So what now? If she basically is being forced into doing things and feeling some type of way should we help" Matt asked. "When she cheated on Stefan and left him for Damon she was human. Let's not forget that when she had Damon kidnap Caroline and hand her off to wolves where Care almost died Elena was still human. When Elena forced me to free Esther she was human; when she helped kill Kol, helped Esther link you all together to kill you, Almost got Care killed again trying to save Abbey who is still dead ELENA WAS HUMAN" Bonnie rambled shaking her head. "I'll tell her what we know but that is as far as my help is going" Bonnie breathed letting out her frustration. "We can't do anything anyhow" Klaus smirked sipping from his glass dramatically. "The only person who can break a sire bond is the sire... Damon has to let her go"

The next day Klaus, Caroline and Bonnie along with Sheriff Forbes went out to the old Lockwood grounds to meet Tyler, Hayley and their pack to explain the plan for the eclipse. "No offense Sheriff but NO way in hell I'm trusting Klaus to trap us in a giant bubble; he'd kill us all"

"I could kill you all now and be done with it" Klaus snapped with yellowing eyes. "This is about protecting the town Tyler; Klaus says you all will be uncontrollable during a eclipse" Sheriff yelled stepping between them and Caroline stepped between her and Tyler. The pack could be heard whispering amongst themselves until Tyler called them to attention "They do what I say and I say bite me Klaus" Tyler smirked triumphantly with Hayley at his side. "Shall we test that little theory of ours love?" Klaus nodded at Caroline who smiled sweetly as she stood in front of Tyler. "Either do what we want willingly Tyler or I'll make you"

"You may let Klaus and the originals run your life Care but I bow down to no one" The moment the words left his mouth Caroline punched him so hard he slid into a nearby tree. Hayley ran at her but Caroline grabbed her by the throat and tossed her aside as Tyler recovered rushing over only stopping when there was no more than an inch between them; his eyes blazing and canines protruding. There was a collective gasp when Tyler began trembling, Caroline's  naturally blue eyes had lightened so much they almost appeared to glow as her own canines dropped and the growl pushing it's way out of her throat made even Klaus' eyes widen. "Kneel" she growled feeling Tyler's stare break. "What the hell is this?" 

"I said kneel" Caroline ordered and Tyler immediately dropped down to his hands and knees but his eyes never left hers. "You will do as I said and make sure all your flunkies fall in line do you understand me Tyler" 

"Yes Alpha" he spat out rising to his feet once Caroline broke her gaze. "How is that possible? Tyler is Alpha!" Hayley yelled running to his side. "Tyler isn't an Alpha strumpet, he's a sire" Klaus quickly explained what a Sire and the Sire Bond was to the wolf pack amused by their shocked stares. "You lot sired yourselves to Tyler after he gave you a purpose. Wolves who were meant to follow but have no one to lead are useless. They aren't loyal they're merely slaves" Klaus shrugged.  "What does that have to do with Caroline? Is she Tyler's sire?" Sheriff Forbes asked clearly intrigued by the conversation. Klaus went on to explain that like him Caroline became a vampire before she triggered the werewolf curse making her her own original hybrid; making her her own Alpha. "Caroline could probably create hybrids without Elena's blood, cure any bites that she or someone from her line causes... She's second only to me" 

"I don't get how she controlled Tyler!" Hayley snapped. "God you're stupid wolf girl, must my brother spell it out for you" Rebekah snapped speeding into the clearing with Kol both coming to see what was taking so long. "Let's put this in wolf pup so the morons will understand" Kol laughed loudly. "Caroline is her own original hybrid while Tyler is a lakey expireiment gone right who was made a hybrid by Klaus... hypothetically speaking Tyler and Caroline were born from the same liter"

"That's bullshit there is no way!" Tyler screamed interrupting Kol's explanation while Hayley cursed like a sailor; the other wolves simply looked upon Caroline in awe. "Looks like the idiots just figured it out" Rebekah joined Kol who was laughing hysterically. "Well being that I'm a human and don't know anything about werewolf/ hybrid rules will someone spell it out for me please... What just happened?" Sheriff Forbes yelled clearly annoyed. 

"The pack is sired to Tyler so they follow his lead, so does Hayley because she's his mate; Tyler will obey Caroline's every command whether he wants to or not which means they all will follow suit. They are siblings, Tyler is the oldest but her nature makes her the dominant"

"Oh My God!" Liz gasped finally realizing what was going on around her. "Caroline is Tyler's Alpha!" 

Yes Yes Another Update... I have been seriously slacking so I'm making up for it... 

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