Part 39

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There was relief throughout the house now that wolves were under Caroline's control, for once things seemed to be going right with the world. After a huge argument Elijah and Klaus packed to head to New Orleans to check the condition of their old home since they hadn't been back in over 100 years. "Why not wait and we all go together?"

"I would never allow you to live in filth, even if only for a night" Klaus smiled pulling her into a kiss. "Just a few days" he smirked heading out with the older Mikaelson. Not wanting to cook they headed to the grill where the girls were surprised at a few new faces playing pool. "What have we here, guess we are in the right place" Devin smiled taking in their surprised faces. "What the hell are you two doing here" Kat snapped at David and Devin. "Did you not miss us? That hurts" David chipped in. "Playtime is over and I am not as patient as everyone else so I suggest you lot start talking or I'll make a centerpiece out of your hearts on this pool table" Kol stepped up clearly annoyed and Stefan stood at his side. "Touchy... We move around, like to check out different places and when 5 extremely hot, extremely powerful girls bring you to your knees--" before Devin could finish he was heaving and tightly gripping the edge of the table. "This conversation had better start getting interesting" Bonnie snapped releasing him from her hold. "We came because we need you guys help... We've been looking for a doppleganger and a Bennet witch for nearly a century" David spilled out. "What for?" Stefan asked pushing Bonnie and Katarina behind he and Kol while Caroline, Nadia and Rebekah stood around them defensively. "It's a long story, one that we shouldn't tell here?" David said lowly. "Why should we help the two of you?" 

"We have to stop Kai, if he succeeds in his quest it'll be hell on earth. The dead will rise and the world will end" David said pleadingly. They decided to go back to the mansion, Nadia stayed and waited for Matt's shift to be over not wanting him to be alone if Kai would be coming for them and on the way out Hayley, Tyler, Damon, Ric and Elena walked in. "Another doppleganger" Devin and David said in unison putting Damon on the defensive but without another word they continued on their way unprepared for the conversation that would take place. 

"Start talking, everything now" Katarina yelled the moment they shut the door behind them. Caroline grabbed glasses and bottles of bourbon and they all settled in the living room. "Kai is from the Gemini Coven, a very old very powerful coven. Kai is from Gemini but he isn't like other witches, he's a siphoner; Kai can't do his own magic he takes it from other witches but in order for him to obtain his own magic he has to siphon and kill his twin" David explained while Devin remained quiet. "Their father didn't want to just kill his daughter so he locked her away in what's called a prison world, an alternate reality universe that's parallel to this one. Kai has gone to get the ascendant which is a device used to teleport between this world and the prison worlds but it takes a lot of power and the Bennett line is currently the most powerful bloodline on the planet and your power is massive which is why he'll need you Bonnie" he continued. "Why does he need a doppleganger?" 

"Contrary to stories it seems Tatia was not the original doppleganger, there was one before her; her name was Amara" Devin whispered. Everyone sat in awe on this new information especially Katarina after taking a few shots the story continued this time with Devin taking the lead. "The original Bennett witch was Quetsiyah and she was in love with another witch named Silas. THEY created the first immortality spell. Quetsiyah made Silas immortal and he was supposed to do the same for her so that they could be together forever but instead of making Quetsiyah immortal he was going to perform the spell on Amara. Quetsiyah found out and cursed them both; legend says that Amara is trapped in a prison world of Quetsiyah's creation. Silas is the only witch besides Bonnie powerful enough to power the ascendant and Silas would help him because he is still in love with Amara. The doppleganger needs to be human in order for him to raise Silas, only by drinking the blood of Amara's doppleganger will he wake" Devin said gravely. "Both Katarina and Elena are vampires... problem solved" Kol shrugged. "No!" David cut in shaking his head. "We know how to find Silas, and buried with Silas is a cure to vampirism... Cure plus doppleganger equals an awakened Silas, the release of everyone trapped in the prison world" David whispered. "Why are you helping him then" Caroline asked with watering eyes. "One of us is to take his place if he doesn't assume his roll as coven leader by the time we are 21; we have to stop him before he either succeeds or we're dead" 

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