Part 13

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I HAVE RETURNED!!!! I was only a week but did you miss me??? lol

I should be back to updating every couple of days again 

Excited??? I am :)

Caroline slept through the rest of night, it was now late noon the next day and she still hadn't awaken but they checked on her frequently. "Can I ask you all something?" Bonnie said once Klaus came to join them in the sitting room after checking on her again reporting that all the bites had now completely healed. "Yesterday Rebekah said Caroline was not the little girl she remembered, Elijah also makes comments about how she's grown up and he calls her his little angel... Do you know her or did you before now?" she asked with a raised eyebrows. All eyes fell on Klaus who sighed staring at the witch then moved his eyes to his siblings before speaking. "Don't take this the wrong way Bennett but I've loved Caroline since she was 9 years old" Klaus whispered taking a huge swig of his drink and holding his hand out to Bonnie who hesitantly took it and was pulled into his memories.


"My name is Niklaus"

"I'm Caroline"

"How old are you Caroline?"

"Almost 8"

*Caroline silently stares at him*

"Why are you so sad?" she said placing her small hand over his heart. "I can feel it, you feel alone"

"What are you doing out here at this time of night?"

"My father doesn't want me anymore. He told me he's not my father and now he's getting ready to leave and it's all my fault"

*Klaus kneels and wipes away her tears*

"My father didn't want me either because I'm wasn't his real son" Klaus whispered

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" she asked suddenly throwing her arms around his neck.

*** End of Flashback ***

"We met in the woods every night and talked about her day, I told her stories about the supernatural world, and even told her about me and my siblings. Rebekah had followed me one night and after she met her she started coming along" Klaus said releasing Bonnie's hand, Elijah was next and Rebekah took it last showing Bonnie the memories they had of Caroline up until her 9th birthday. "The year and a half we knew her was absolutely perfect, but then our father found us" he said hanging his head ashamed to admit that he'd locked away her memories. "I told Elijah about Caroline once I had started visiting her and once he met her he loved her too simply because she brought out our brother's humanity even though she was just a little girl. Lijah calls her little angel because she was Nik's savior, he was cold, reckless and unforgiving... after he met Caroline all that went away; he said he didn't want to frighten her and didn't like it when she was upset. We had to leave Mystic Falls; Mikael would have hurt Caroline if he knew it would hurt Niklaus so in order to keep her safe Nik compelled her to forget about us and everything supernatural until we came back and it was safe for her to remember. Of course we didn't intend on it taking nine years to come back but Nik got wind of the doppleganger and the moonstone so we got side tracked looking for them. After Elijah told us he'd seen her and that she was a vampire we came back for Caroline, she's a vampire now so she could come with us... Elena being in the same place and her friend was pure luck" Rebekah filled in. "Where were you Kol?"

"Daggered... I was killing recklessly and that's how Mikael had found us before; he almost killed me on our last encounter. I didn't understand at first but now I appreciate it; Nik daggered me to keep me safe until Mikael was dead" he hung his head. "The first time I met Caroline was at school" he shrugged. "When are you going to give her memories back Klaus? She's a vampire, Mikael's dead so she's safe now" Katherine asked. "He already did" Caroline smiled rushing over and hugging Rebekah tightly "I missed you Care Bear!" Rebekah laughed letting her go. "At least I know where that necklace you love so much came from now" Bonnie giggled. Elijah was next shocking everyone when hugged to blonde. "Quite the lady you've grown to be my little angel"

"I'm not little anymore Lijah"

"You'll always be my little angel" he teased kissing her forehead. "You owe me a bedtime story" she winked. Klaus rose to his feet smirking as he caressed her cheek "Hello again little Caroline" She shocked everyone when she frowned and slapped him across the face. "9 years Nik! You were sidetracked for 9 freaking years SERIOUSLY!" she yelled with her arms folded across her chest. Rebekah and Kol had burst into laughter while Bonnie, Elijah and Katherine watched in awe at the baby vampire who'd slapped the original hybrid. "Caroline" he couldn't finish because she'd slapped him again. "That's because you came back months ago and you're just now giving me back my memories!" she yelled again. They stood toe to toe angrily glaring at each other before finally she smiled and threw her arms around his neck burying her face in his chest and he buried his in her hair; they stayed like that pressed tightly together afraid to let each other go. "I finally feel like I can breathe... I missed you, even though I didn't know I did" she said smiling up at him as he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead the best he could considering their position. "So do you forgive me love?" She rolled her eyes like she was thinking "I guess so" she giggled kissing his cheek. "Just the cheek? Tough luck brother" Kol smirked until both Rebekah and Bonnie slapped the back of his head. "I think we should celebrate, drinks and pool at the grill anyone?" Katarina suggested and they all agreed waiting for Caroline to change.

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