Part 19

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"OMG Bek do you know where are guest are this afternoon?" Kat said coming into the kitchen grabbing her hand and speeding up the stairs stopping in front of Kol's door. Katarina placed a finger to her lips and quietly pushed it open and both she and Rebekah smiled at the sight of Bonnie and Kol tightly wrapped around each other sleeping. Klaus' room was next then they sped back to the kitchen giggling. "Have our guest gone? Where are Niklaus and Kol?" Elijah asked grabbing a cup of coffee while Enzo drank a blood bag. "Bonnie's with Kol and Care's with Klaus, they're still asleep. "You don't mean--" Katarina cut him off showing the pictures she'd snapped on her phone. "Morning everyone!" Caroline called entering the kitchen with Klaus not noticing the stares. "Did Bonnie go home last night?" she said dialing her number and speeding off darting off when she heard the phone ring in the house. "Oh My God!" she whisper yelled when she came back blushing red. "What's wrong love?"

"She's asleep... with Kol, in his bed" she whispered. "Feeling better gorgeous?" Enzo asked and silence fell over the room. "No one is to harm the Salvatore brother am I clear?" Klaus growled out wrapping an arm around Caroline's waist. "I gave my word and everyone else will do the same" he concluded. "I give my word" Kol said coming into the kitchen with Bonnie who ran over to Caroline hugging her before dropping the barrier surrounding the house. "We should get going, I need to shower and change before we get together to plan prom" Caroline, Bonnie, Rebekah and Katarina agreed to meet at the grill in an hour and was preparing to leave when a knock at the door took everyone by surprise. Elijah sped to the door and the sound of Sheriff Forbes and another woman's voice silenced them. "Mom!" Bonnie said when they came into view. "I found her, Elena and Damon came to see me at the office and said they were worried about the two of you. What have you done to our daughters?" Liz screamed seeing Caroline with Klaus and Bonnie with Kol. "Bonnie you and Caroline are coming with me until I can undo whatever they've done" Abby said grabbing Bonnie's arm and Liz grabbed Caroline. Both girls broke away trying to explain but were cut off by Liz shooting Caroline with a vervain dart and Abby blowing witch ashes in Bonnie's face to sedate her. "Caroline!"

"Bonnie!" Klaus and Kol shouted. The originals rose from their seats but Abby muttered a spell that held them in their seats as Tyler and Damon rushed in grabbed the girls and left. Caroline and Bonnie woke in Bonnie's grams house with Abbey. "You two are bound here and cannot leave. Bonnie the herbs burning in the house blocks your use of magic so you can't undo the spell. I will fix the two of you" she said. "Nothing is broken mom, they didn't compel us, there is no spell they're our friends and I actually like Kol and Care has know the originals since she was little Elena and Damon are being selfish!" Bonnie yelled. "He's a vampire!"

"Care is a vampire!"

"That's different Bonnie. The originals are going to die soon anyway so better to cleanse you both of whatever junk they've been feeding you" she said walking over to Caroline who snapped her fangs at her. "You are bound to the living room, I'm going to leave you for a few hours with your real friends and hopefully when I return you'll let me help you" she said letting Elena, Tyler and Damon into the house before she left. They stood staring at each other in silence the tension thick in the room "We are trying to save you" Elena said softly. "You'll be the ones who need saving when I get out of here" Caroline growled baring her fangs. "What's wrong Elena? Couldn't stand not being the center of everyone's attention. Useless little Elena who needs saving every 5 mins couldn't stand that we had other friends. That we had our own lives; you get to be with Damon but Bonnie and I can't be with Klaus and Kol?" Caroline spat. "You do realize that Damon is the reason your life is always in danger... that his stupid little plans and power trips is gonna be your downfall. I've saved his life twice but when Klaus comes for him this time I won't stop him"

The originals along with Enzo and Katarina paced the floor, the boarding house was empty and Caroline and Bonnie were nowhere to be found. "We checked the boarding house, Caroline's house and Bonnie's dad's house, where else could they be?" Kol snapped. "I called a friend she should be here in a bit to help us find them" Katarina said. Klaus was furious. He'd finally got Caroline back only to have her taken away from him and he felt sorry for Kol who for the first time found love and had it ripped away. "Can I kill him now brother? Salvatore has crossed the line" Kol asked Elijah who shook his head. "We should leave here when we get them back. We came here to break Nik's curse and get Caroline and we've done that so why stay?" Rebekah asked on the couch next to Enzo. "We didn't try her grandmother's house" Enzo said. "Bonnie's gram helped her with magic before she died. Bonnie went there to practice her magic sometimes that might be where they are" he continued. He along with Klaus, Kol and Rebekah left leaving Elijah and Katarina to wait for her witch friend.

Abbey returned hours later finding both Damon and Tyler with snapped necks and not surprised that Elena hadn't been able to get through to Caroline and Bonnie. "It'll all before soon. Once the originals are dead the compulsion will dissipate" she said sleepily. "You did it?" Elena asked and Abbey nodded informing them that she'd successful woke Esther and Finn. Hearing this Klaus, Kol and Rebekah sped home with Enzo following to warn Elijah that their mother had been raised only to be met by her and their eldest brother when they arrived. "Hello my children"

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