Runaway Baby

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Today was the first day that Niall would be going back to school since he and Connor became a couple again. He was extremely nervous that Connor would get scared again and be mean to him again. Niall knew he wouldn't be able to handle that, he was an overall sensitive child. He didn't cry for everything but if something hurt his feelings he wasn't afraid to show his emotions.

"Bug you alright? You're really quiet." Liam said as he drove Niall to school He was normally upbeat, even in the mornings so Liam was confused. Niall still never told his parents about all the events that happened with Connor and he didn't plan on it, it was over with.

"M' fine dada just tired." Liam just nodded and continued on with the drive eventually pulling up to Niall's school.

"Okay well you can rest when you get home okay bug? Have a good day at school, I love you. Oh and don't forget to help Josh if he needs it."

"I love you too dada and I will." He grabbed his bag and kissed Liam's cheek before getting out of the car and running into the school. He saw Connor lined up outside the class already and went to stand behind him but he was too nervous to speak to him in case Connor had changed his mind. Eventually Connor turned around and Niall braced himself to be yelled at but instead he felt Connor kiss his cheek and grab his hand.

"Don't be scared Ni, I'm proud to be with you just like I should have always been." Niall smiled and kissed Connor back, just  then, Aiden and his crew came walking down the corridor and Aiden pushed Niall roughly into a wall.

"Fucking fag stay away from Connor!" Aiden tried to pull Connor towards him but Connor just yanked his arm back. "Come on Connor, he's tricking you, you're not a homo."

"Don't tell me what I am! I'm gay and I'm happy to be with Niall!" Connor yelled as he went to comfort Niall who was blinking back tears.

"You'll regret that then fairy boy." Aiden sneered before pushing Niall once more then walking away. Niall closed his eyes to prevent the tears from falling and took a deep breath before walking into the classroom with Connor. Lessons were fine for them seeing as no one in their year cared or really understood that they were together. Mrs. Deyes noticed Niall and Connor holding hands under the desk and she internally cooed at how cute they were. Soon break came and they were all going out to the playground. Josh, Leeroy, Louise, Niall, and Connor all sat underneath their regular tree and began just talking about random things.

"I stood up by myself." Josh said proudly. They all looked at him and smiled.

"Joshy that's great! Do you think you can walk soon?!" Louise squealed.

"No, not yet. I was only able to stand for 5 seconds but that's still something."

"That's amazing, can you show us?" Connor asked.

"I can try, but I need help." Niall and Connor got up and pulled Josh out of his wheelchair and held onto his arms until he got his balance.

"O-okay let go, one at a time though." Connor let go first then Josh signalled for Niall to let go as well but they stayed close by to catch him when they needed to. Josh looked at them all as he stood by himself. Leeroy was so happy he looked like he was going to cry proud tears. He jumped up and without thinking about it, engulfed Josh in a hug and pecked him on the lips. Josh's knees buckled but for a different reason as a blush spread across his entire face. Leeroy pulled away embarrassed and helped Josh sit back down.

"Sorry." he said with a blush on his face as well.

"Don't be, I-I liked it." Leeroy smiled and grabbed his hand. The happy moment was ruined when Aiden walked over with his followers.

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