Legal Trouble

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Zayn was on the floor playing cars with Josh when the doorbell rang.

"Hold on baby I'll be right back."

"Okay papa" Josh had started calling Zayn papa and Marcel dada. Liam and Louis did not want to be called grandpa so Josh had taken to calling them Uncle Liam and Aunt Louis. Liam had told Josh to call Louis that as a joke and it just kind of stuck. Liam though it was hilarious but Louis was less than thrilled, let's just say Liam's best friend was pornhub for a good two weeks. Josh was now legally their adopted son making him Josh Paylinson instead of Josh Devine. It was an extremely easy process seeing as the court found Zayn and Marcel the best fit for Josh. Zayn got up from his spot on the floor and opened the door.

"Are you Zayn Paylinson?"

"Um yes can I-" Next thing he knew he was being pinned against the ground and his hands were handcuffed behind his back.

"You're under arrest for the assault of a Ms. Faith Smith (made up name) in the park a few weeks ago. You have the right to remain silent, anything you do or say will be held against you in the court of law." Zayn looked at Josh who was sobbing and trying to get to Zayn as a police officer held him back. Marcel was at work in the bakery he owned a few blocks away.

"PAPA! DON'T TAKE MY PAPA!"Josh screamed as he tried to run around the officer and get to Zayn. The officer grabbed Josh harshly by the arm and yanked him back.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH MY SON LIKE THAT!" Zayn snarled. He gave Josh a secret look and Josh nodded at him before breaking free from the officer's hold and running upstairs into the play room as an officer followed close behind. Josh ran into his dads' room and grabbed Zayn's cell phone off the night stand before running through the connecting door into his play room. He pushed the dresser over a bit and went into the secret compartment in the wall that he and Niall sometimes used during hide and seek then pulled the dresser back in place.

"Where are you kid? We won't hurt you we just need to take you to a home they can take care of you at for right now. Just until we can get a hold of your other father." Josh let silent tears fall and stayed as still as possible. He wasn't going back to a home, not even for a second. His dads were the best anyone could ever have and he wasn't leaving them. Once he heard the police sigh and leave he pulled out the phone and rang someone he knew could help.

"Hello? Zayn love? What's up?" Josh sniffled and let out a choked sob.

"Zayn what's wrong?"

"I-it's me Uncle L-liam."

"Joshy? Baby what's wrong? Where's your papa?"

"Police came and took him, I ran cause they wanted to take me back to a home. I'm hiding in the wall, Uncle Li, I'm scared." Josh cried.

"Shh it's okay baby stay there. I'll be right there. Have you called your dada yet?"

"N-n- don't wanna bother him at work."

"It's okay, I'll call him, you just try and relax okay? Everything will be okay." Josh said okay and hung up, curling in on himself and sobbing. About five minutes passed before he heard.

"Joshy? Josh it's Uncle Li, where are you love?" Josh let out a strangled cry and Liam quickly moved the dresser and pulled Josh out of the wall and held him to his chest.

"I-I want P-papa."

"I know baby. It's okay." Liam had called Marcel on the way here and Marcel knew exactly what he had been arrested for, he had been worrying these past few weeks that the woman might have pressed charges on Zayn. When Marcel told Liam he wished that Zayn would have handled it better but at the same time he knows he probably would have done the same thing for any of the kids. Liam just held Josh and sat on the couch with him, turning the telly on to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse as he gave Josh a sippy cup full of juice. Soon Josh fell asleep in Liam's lap.

"I'm here for Zayn Paylinson."

"Sure, here's his bail amount and- Marcel?" Marcel looked up and took a good look before gasping and taking a few steps back.

"Daniaal?! You're a cop?! How can you be for protecting the people when you spent a year beating the shit out of me then telling me you loved me?!"

"Marcel I'm so sorry, I've changed, I went to therapy for my anger issues and I decided to turn my life around so I joined the Police Academy. Marcel, I'd love to catch up sometime. I really want you to be able to see the new me." Marcel just shook his head.

"I'm just here to bail my husband out of jail, here's the money, let him out." Daniaal sighed, he let Marcel get away because he was stupid and treated him badly.

"You won't give me another chance but you're married to a criminal?"

"He's not a criminal! He was protecting his little brother who has a mental disorder. Now just let Zayn out!" Daniaal just decided to give up, he knew he ruined his only chance with Marcel. He let Zayn out and Zayn ran and hugged Marcel then kissed him.

"Baby are you okay?"

"Yeah, where's Josh, did the police take him?!" Zayn asked frantically. Marcel just kissed him again then stroked his hair.

"No baby, he's with your dad. He hid in the wall and called him. He's at the house." Zayn breathed a sigh of relief and nodded before taking Marcel's hand and walking out of the jail so they could get back home to their little boy.

Good morning and Happy Birthday Zayn <3 Thank you to Depressed_Narry and Lonelyenough_ for the prompts. :)

QOTC: What career do you have/ want when you're older?

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