"That was quite the patronus Ms. Black!" Professor Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with mischief, sitting on the foot of Harry's bed.

"Thanks sir! Gee, who could have taught me such a thing?" I said, tapping my chin sarcastically. He chuckled, smiling at me.

"Yes. Who indeed?" I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks Professor. It really came in handy today!" I smiled, leaning back into my pillow again. Bill and Charlie pushed their way through the crowd, pulling me into a bone crushing hug. "Billie! Charlie!" I squealed, hugging them back.

"Mum! Dad number two!" I laughed, hugging Molly and Arthur. I didn't want to hurt their feelings by saying Molly and Arthur, so that's their name. They beamed, smiling down at me.

"Oh. I'm sorry dear, but we all have to go!" Molly pouted, frowning at the clock. I nodded in understanding. "Let Poppy take care of you?" I nodded again. "Be safe! We love you dear!"

"I love you too!" The Weasley's left, after a quick explanation from Ron about Harry and I's brooms. Crud. There goes that. I nearly cried when I saw it. I did whimper though. Everyone laughed at me too!

Mione and Ginny left after giving me a hug, and Nat said a not so classy goodbye. "Well cousin. Did you have fun falling five hundred plus feet and giving everyone a heart attack, including me? I hope so! I wanted you to wake up so I could kill you! But, I love you so much. I shall refrain. Be careful, kay? Thanks! Now I gotta go find Fred, bye Gracie!"

"Bye Nat!" I laughed, watching her go. Now it's just me and Harry, Dad and Nat. Uncle Moony is with Snape, making the potion apparently. Getting ready for the full moon which is coming in a few weeks.

"Was that really your Mum?" Maxie asked, looking skeptical. I shook my head.

"All those red heads, yeah. That's who I lived with while Dad was away." I laughed, watching her eyes pop.

"But, there were like a thousand boys!"

"I know!" I laughed, laying down. "Ginny was my only sister. It's nice being a big sister though. I like taking care of her. I'd risk my life for any of my siblings any day. Or my friends. I wouldn't mind that either." I sighed in content, curling up in a ball on the bed.

"Lets not do that again for a while," Dad whispered, stroking my hair.

"Again?" Maxie asked, eyeing me.

"I'll tell you all of their little stories in a bit!" Dad chuckled, wrapping one arm around her.

"You better!"

"Okay Harry?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Can't wait to get out of here!" He grumbled, keeping his eyes on me. Madam Pomfrey hustled in, popping a potion in my mouth. Ew. Nasty. I made my signature face, causing everyone to laugh. And then I felt myself drifting to sleep.


"Can I try?" Mione asked, looking at the crystal ball. This is a class I chose to sit with the girls. I'll sit with Harry next class, with Snape. That way he can focus all his anger in one place. Note the sarcasm.

Professor Trelawney encouraged her, smiling. "I see, the grim!" Mione chirped, smirking at Professor. I rolled my eyes, knowing she saw diddly squat. Just like the rest of us. The key to divination, is to predict awful horrible things. That's what Trelawney likes anyway.

Professor Trelawney tutted, walking away.

(A/N: I know this is in the wrong place but it will make more since later! Promise!!!)

A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now