intro/chapter 1

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My names Gabriella efron.I'm 14 and live in Los Angles. I live with my mom, dad, older brothers zac and Dylan, yes the zac efron and no I'm not famous because of him. me and Dylan are only a year apart and then zac is 8 years older than me.

I'm normal like all of you, I do homeschool so I don't know a lot of people, I only know people from cheer.

I'm always at cheer.

I live in an apartment, it's tight, my family is not wealthy at all, we're always having financial issues.

my mom and dad always fight because of money problems, it's so annoying.

my parents were arguing and ashley was home so I decided to go on a walk to get out of the house.

I was passing target and decided to go in.

I walked around and heard these loud teenage boys following me.

"hey my little brother thinks you're hot can he get you're number?" the one guy with dark hair and dark eyes said.

"sorry I gotta go" I said and started walking away.

I grabbed 2 books and got in like to check out.

a guy bumbed into me and caused me to drop my books.

I went to pick them up when my hands came in contact with big hands.

"here you go" he said as I stood up and handed me the books.

"thank you so much" I said

"I'm Hayes" he said and stuck his hand out to shake.

"I'm Gabriella" I said

"I'm sorry about my friend back there, they're obnoxious" he said

"I understand, my brothers the same way" I said an she laughed.

"do you live around here?" he asked

"yeah, and you?" I asked

"my brother lives here, I'm from North Carolina but I'm in the process of moving here. you should show me around some time" he said

"I would love to, put you're number in" I said and handed him my phone.

he put it in and I texted him so he had my number.

"alright well i gotta go now, it was nice to meet you" I said

"you too" he said and I left.

I walked home and my dad was drinking and angry.

he has a drinking problem and when he drinks he sometimes hits us, my brother zac is never home but he was one time when my dad hit me and he hit my dad back.

"gabby, Zacs picking us up in 10 minutes" Dylan said, I could tell he was scared my dad was gonna hit us.

"okay I'll be ready" I said

"no you won't young lady, you're not going anywhere" my dad said

"I'm just gonna be with zac and Dylan" I said

he slapped me across the face.

I heard the door open as I hit the ground.

"DAD ARE YOU SERIOUS" I heard zac yell.

"whatever take them and get the hell out" my dad said

i got up and Dylan pushed me out the door, "let's go, we're getting out of here" he said

zac followed behind us.

"zac you haven't been home in like 2 months, he's been so bad lately. gab show him you're bruise" Dylan said

"no Dylan, it's nothing" I said

"yous can't stay there if he's gonna be hitting yous. I finally got a house and if he keeps acting this way you guys will be moving in with me" zac said

"you're never home though and moms still there" I said

"okay Gabby but mom does nothing about it, and dads the one who works so mom couldn't raise us on her own and she won't leave dad" Dylan said

we pulled up at Zacs new house and it's gorgeous from the outside.

we went inside and it was even prettier.

"you live in an 8 bedroom house alone?" I asked

"no dave (franco) lives here too" he said

I sat on the couch when my phone vibrated.

text from Hayes Grier, "hey Gabriella, are you free tomorrow?"

I texted him back saying yeah and he asked me if I could come over for a little while so I said yeah.

"Come eat dinner" zac said

me and Dylan went into the kitchen and all 3 of us sat at the table and ate.

"I'm going out for a little while but dave will be home" zac said

the door opened and dave walked in, "hey little Zacs!" he said and hugged us.

"hey dave" we said

"alright I'll be back later, love you guys" zac said and hugged us then left.

"gabby, any boyfriends for me and zac to beat up yet?" dave asked

"nope" I said and laughed.

I finished eating and put my plate in the dishwasher then went and sat on the couch.

dave went upstairs and Dylan came and sat next to me and we put a movie on.

me and Dylan are really close, I can talk to him about anything.

"Dyl" I said

"gab" he said

"does this mean everything's gonna change? like we're gonna be taken from mom and dad" I asked

"I don't know, I wish I did. I wanna be taken from dad, the way he treats us isn't ok. but I don't wanna leave mommy" he said

"me either" I said

"come here" he said and opened his arms.

I gave him and eventually fell asleep.

love of my life (Hayes Grier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora