The last wall had a banner at the very top. It read: 'Gracelyn's Time at Hogwarts!' This wall, was empty though. I'll have to ask Dad for a copy of last years pictures. Maybe Colin has some as well! It brought tears to my eyes as I saw all the pictures waving and smiling at me. "Hello dear!" One of the Lilly pictures finally spoke up, she gave me a small wink and smiled at me. "I told you we'd see each other again!"

"You did, and you were right!" I giggled. "Thanks for the talk, it made me so happy! I felt much better!" I smiled, climbing into a bed that had pale blue sheets on them and a beautiful spread. It was zebra print with blue silk lining. I love it!

"You welcome dear! Sleep tight!" I gave her one more smile before I fell asleep.


The next few months passed quickly. I did all my homework, receiving excellent marks from all my teachers, including Snape. Dad had made copies of all the pictures I sent him last year, I even took the ones of Harry and I from the prophet. And Colin sent me more. The ones he took of Harry and I, the ones he took during quidditch matches, which apparently Gryffindor had been doing well in, and just random pictures he'd taken of the gang and I.

There was one in particular he said he thought I'd like, and he was right. I had it enlarged and made it the center picture. It was truly beautiful. It was a picture of all us in the common room, Ron and Mione sitting side by side looking relaxed and smiling. Harry and I on the love seat across from them, stretching out and relaxing, and Natalyn in a chair beside the love seat, we were all talking and laughing and the fire sparkled in the background, giving it a light glow that made the picture look mysterious and warm at the same time. It's by far my favorite picture.

Anyway, I had wrote each of them everyday. I even asked them about their room decorations so Dad and I knew what to get. Harry wanted it based off Gryffindor, 'if it wasn't to much trouble', he said. Dad and I laughed when we read that line, talking about how sweet Harry was. I also asked if Nat wanted to share a room or have her own. She sent me a howler back!

"GRACELYN PAIGE BLACK! HOW COULD YOU EVEN SUGGEST SUCH A THING?! OF COURSE I WANT TO SHARE A ROOM! ARE YOU TRYING TO GET RID OF ME?" and it went on. I kind of left the room while it screamed at a picture on the wall. Dad got a kick out of this of course. He had come running to see what happened and was listening to the howler when I strolled in with an apple in my mouth. I have to admit, it was kind of funny.

She told me she wanted a blue bed sheet like mine, claiming it sounded pretty. So that's what I got her. Our floor is wood so I got us some rugs to put in there too! Blue of course. And zebra print. Dad insisted I put some bean bags in there for the others to sit in when they visited. I got some for Harry too, red and gold. But I just got him one big rug and put the bed on top of it. We based his room off of Dad's since he did the Gryffindor theme as well.

The other rooms we just decorated with whatever we liked. We replaced the doxy filled curtains with new ones to match each rooms decor. We cleaned every inch of the house, and made it a lot warmer and brighter. By the time we were done, it looked fantastic!

The guys didn't come home for Christmas. Apparently there was more pettrifyings. We wrote back and forth, they kept to their promise and kept me up to date on everything. Even the reason they didn't come home. They think it's Draco. I agreed that it could be him, and so did Dad. When I showed him the letter he merely shrugged his shoulders before replying, "Wouldn't surprise me. Evil git!"

I was in the middle of a defense against the dark art lesson with Dad when Ron, Harry, and Natalyn came tumbling out of the fire pit. "What on earth?" Dad helped them out while I watched, hugging each of them as they were helped up. "What's going on?"

A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now