"If the boy wants it, yes. You are granted full custody!" I grinned and clapped loudly, jumping up and down. "Anything else Mr. Black?"

"The only other thin I could possibly think of is whether or not I can have my wand back?"

"Oh! Here you go mate! I almost forgot!" An auror with a goofy grin handed it to him. He smiled and gave it a swish. A banquet of roses appeared in my arms.

"Aw thank you daddy!" I smelled the roses with a small laugh while he cheered. He even fist pumped the air.

"It works!" We all laughed as the ministry people started to leave. They cast a spell, making sure that Peter could not shift, and apparated with him, leaving my Dad, godfather, Dumbledore, and I alone.

"Can we call Harry up here? And maybe Ron and Mione? Oh and Natalyn!" They all chuckled.

"I'd love to see my niece! And my godson slash daughters boyfriend. And the boy who has been a big brother to her her whole life. And her best friend!" He chuckled, counting them off on his fingers. I laughed while Uncle Lupin laughed as well.

"Boyfriend? Since when? Last I heard you were, 'best friends and nothing more!'" Uncle Lupin mimicked me with a teasing grin. I blushed and stared at my shoes.

"A few hours ago!" I whispered. They all laughed some more. Dumbledore left us alone to go get my friends. A few minutes later, they returned and Nat was the first one in.

"Well well, time has not been kind Uncle Sirius!" She chuckled, looking dad up and down. I frowned, it was just because of where he was, but I don't know if she knows that. He pulled her into a hug laughing.

"Hey Natty! Hello Harry! Hi Ron! How are you Hermione?" He turned to each of my friends, while I took a seat in the chair. Dumbledore quickly conjured more so everyone could sit down.

"Now. Ms. Black has decided to share this moment with you, all of you being very close to her! Mr. Weasley, I'm not sure how you will take this, please try to stay calm!" Ron paled visibly, but nodded his head anyway. With that said, Dad explained everything. Telling them about Peter and Azkaban and how I went to visit tonight and what just took place. Ron looked sick, Natalyn and Hermione were definitely shocked, and Harry and I sat in silence.

"So he's gone? The man who betrayed my parents has been taken care of?" Dad nodded at Harry, who looked as if a major wait has been lifted from his shoulders.

"Harry. There's something else." Harry nodded for him to continue. "I'm your godfather. And now that I'm cleared, you no longer have to live with the Dursley's. Gracie is going to be living with me from now on, and if you'd like, so can you!" Harry stared at him in shock. But I knew he would say yes. It's a chance to get away from those awful people.

"I. I'd love to!" He smiled, another smile appeared in my dad's face. He hugged Harry and me tightly.

"Hey! What about me?" Nat asked, sounding hurt. "I was staying with the Weasley's because Gracelyn was there. Where do I go now?" Dad rolled his eyes.

"And I thought you were so smart!" He teased. "Your coming with me smart one!" He laughed, dodging a hex from Natalyn. She poked her tongue out at him but smiled nonetheless.

"So, your leaving?" Ron whispered, he sounded sad, like he was going to cry.

"Yes. But I talked to Dad. I get to visit you guys on holiday and stuff. Ron, promise me you won't ditch me just because I'm not living with you? Please don't! I still think of you as my big brother!" I whispered, tears comin to my eyes. He looked shocked for a minute, but smiled and moved to put a comforting arm around my shoulders. I don't even care that everyone else is watching!

A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें